Chapter 10: The Promise

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*Leo's P.O.V*

"I'm confused," I say, looking across the room at Niall and my sons.

"What is there to be confused about, dad?" Cliff asks, scratching his head.

"Yeah, it's pretty simple," Hale sides with his brother. "Niall is asking your permission to give your daughter...a.k.a our sister...a.k.a Marah Hollice, a promise ring."

"Yeah, I got that part," I groan, rubbing my temples. "But what exactly is a promise ring? That is the part that is confusing me."

"Well, you see, a promise ring is a sign of commitment between two people in a serious relationship," Cliff states seriously, shocking the heck out of Hale and I.

"Cliff...where on earth did you learn that definition?" Hale asks, wrinkling his face. "That's the first time I have ever heard you be serious about something."

"Yeah, I'm impressed son," I say, giving him a thumbs up before turning back to Niall. "So you aren't asking my daughter to marry you...this is just a sign of your commitment to her?"

'Exactly sir," Niall says nervously, fidgeting with a small box in his hands. "You see, since I have gone on tour I feel like it has been hard for her to realize what she means to me."

"And what does she mean to you, if you don't mind my asking," I say quickly.

"The world," he states firmly. "Marah means the world to me. I know that your daughter is the one for me...she is the light of my life, my one true princess. If I wasn't on tour right now, I would most definitely be asking for your permission to marry her. But because I am on tour for another year, I want to make a promise to her instead. I don't want to take her away from her schooling just to follow me around the world."

"I respect that," I grunt, giving my daughter's boyfriend a smile. "And if you had asked me for her hand, you would be happy to know I would have said yes. So whenever you are ready to marry my daughter, please know that you have my full permission to do so. I couldn't think of a better man to love her, care for her, and always be there for her."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hollice," Niall grins, shaking my hand wildly.

"You may have our father's permission," Cliff says, breaking into our conversation, "but you forgot about her two favorite brothers."

"Oh, right, sorry," Niall stammers quickly as I shoot each of the boys a glare.

"Ignore them, Niall," I say quickly, turning his attention back to me. "They are just a little protective of their little sister."

"It's okay, I understand," Niall laughs quietly. "I would feel the same way if I had a little sister."

"Yep," I say, standing up. 'Just know that you have my permission and that is what matters most."

"Okay, thank you," Niall chuckles, standing up to join me.

"Let me walk you to the door," I offer, motioning towards the door of my hotel room.

I quickly walk Niall over to the door and let him out, shutting it firmly behind him. Once he is gone, I walk back over to the couch and slump back into my spot.

"When and why did my baby girl grow up so fast?" I ask the room, forgetting the boys are still in the room.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?!" Cliff sniffs mockingly.

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