Chapter 15: The Accident

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*Marah's P.O.V*

It has been 6 months since Niall and I got married on Achill Island and I have to be honest, these last 6 months have been amazing. Sure we have had our share of mini arguments about little things that annoyed each of us, but at the end of the day we always made up. We were given the first two months alone before Niall had to get back out on tour and, of course, I followed him. As long as I have internet access, I can take my work with me wherever I makes it easy for me to tour with Niall and his band.

Right now I am currently working on a murder mystery story and it takes up a good amount of my free time while Niall is onstage performing. Hale hangs out with me a little when he isn't rehearsing or performing, but that isn't much because he is trying to write his first album! He fully supports my writing career just as I fully support his music career. Cliff and my dad went back to Washington because dad has work to do, people to save, stuff like that. Niall offered to let Cliff come on tour with us and be one of the well-paid stage hands, but he declined the offer. Instead, he was offered a position on the Seattle Seahawks NFL team and he took it willingly.

Daniel proposed to Lauren two weeks after our wedding and of course she accepted. Now they are in the middle of wedding preparations, but there wedding won't be for another 6 months. Lauren wants her brothers to be there for the wedding so they had to choose a date that fit their schedules...geesh, brothers! We found out shortly after our wedding that Greg and Denise are expecting another child...a little girl this time and it is safe to say that Maura is a very excited grandmother and Theo is a very excited big brother! But just as everything seems to be falling perfectly into place for everyone around us, a wrench is thrown into the perfectly laid out plans Niall and I had for our lives.

"Hey Princess!" Niall grins, walking into our hotel room. "How is your story coming?"

"It's coming along pretty well," I smile, looking up from my laptop at him. "At this rate, I should finish with it by this time next month!'

"That's wonderful," Niall says, leaning down to give me a kiss. "I can't wait to be the first one to buy your book."

"You don't have to buy my book, you dork," I laugh, pulling him down beside me. "You're my husband!"

"But I want to buy support you," he says sweetly, leaning over to kiss me again.

"Okay, fine, you can buy one," I smile, kissing him a few more times. "How about I give you a free autograph though?"

"Now that would be awesome," Niall grins, pulling me into his arms. "I love you so very much, my princess."

"And I love you too, my handsome prince," I sighs, snuggling into his arms.

"Marah..." Niall says softly after a couple minutes in silence.

"Yeah babe?" I ask, leaning back so I can look up at him.

"I'm ready..." he says softly, looking down at the floor.

"Ready for what?" I ask, placing a finger under his chin and making him look at me.

"To have a baby...with you..." he whispers, his eyes watering up.

"Niall..." I sigh, stroking his cheek. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"But why not?" he asks, sitting up a little straighter. "Look at how happy Greg and Denise are with Theo and the new little one they have on the way! I want that with you."

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