Chapter 9: Music is Healing

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(Marah's P.O.V)

"This way please," Nurse Sammy says, motioning for us to follow her down the hall. "I wanted to take a moment to thank you for coming here today. It means so much to each of these children when artists take time out of their busy schedule to visit them in this dreary hospital."

"Of course, there is nothing else we would rather be doing," Niall says for his band. "These children deserve some special treatment to make them feel above the world and forget all their current troubles."

"That is exactly why we love it when artists come here," Nurse Sammy says with a smile. "There are not many children here who aren't dealing with life-threatening diseases and who are constantly going through treatment after treatment. When artists like you come, it helps the children take their minds off of all the things they are going through. And the happiness that radiates from these children after your visit is going to last for days! A few of the girls I take care of have posters up in their rooms with your face on it...they are going to be so surprised when they find out you are the visiting artist!"

"You mean, you didn't tell them who was coming?" Daniel asks, sounding slightly shocked.

"Nope. We never tell them who is coming because we love the element of surprise and joy it gives the children," the nurse says, her smile never leaving her face. "Here we are, this is our first stop."

"What's the kids name, and, if it's okay, what is her ailment?" Niall asks sweetly.

"Her name is Alice and she is 8 years old," Nurse Sammy says before getting a little more serious. "Alice is one our permanent residents here at the hospital. She has a very rare disease that I cannot disclose without her parents permission. However, you should know that the disease has recently cause Alice to lose her vision and it has been quite hard for her. She is one of the patients who has quite the little crush on you so this is really going to make her day!"

"I can't wait to meet her," Niall says sweetly, bringing his guitar to the front.

"Perfect! Now I can only allow 3 of you to go into a room at a time," Nurse Sammy says, looking at our very large group. "So other than Niall, the rest of you will need to figure out who will go into each room."

"That's easy enough," Niall smiles, turning around to look at us. "Who wants to come with me to meet Alice?"

"Tom and I will," Daniel says as they walk to the front of the group.

"Wonderful," Nurse Sammy says, going up to the door. "The rest of you can wait out here in the hall. Thank you for your understanding!"

*20 minutes later*

"Isn't she the sweetest?" Nurse Sammy asks as they come out of Alice's room.

"She sure is," Daniel grins, walking right over to Lauren without hesitating.

"She is such an inspirational girl," Niall says as he comes through the door. "Even after all she has been through, she still had the biggest smile on her face and not once did it even falter!"

"No kidding, I wish I could be half as happy as that little girl is," Tom says, coming out of the room last.

"Well, that one went longer than planned," Nurse Sammy exclaims, looking down at her watch. "I better get you to the next child! It's a good thing he is right next door."

"That's good, who is the next child?" Hale asks even though this has nothing to do with him.

"This is Jaeger, he is 11 years old and I cannot disclose his condition at this time," the nurse says, walking us to the next room. "Since we are behind schedule, I hope you have already decided who will go in-"

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