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"We never realized how truly cruel we were to you before," my mother let out a sob. "And we're so sorry."

A chuckle of disbelief left Sasuke's lips. "For the past seventeen years, he was treated like shit and you only now realize it?" He scoffed.

"Sasuke," I muttered warningly, my voice sounding hoarse but he ignored me and continued.

"You don't have the right to only now start acting like the parents you should've been. Not after he tries to end it, that's not how it works," the raven flared at the other three occupants.

"Stop," he told him but he once again continued nonetheless.

"You can't just pretend that you never hurt him the way you did, it's not fair to him-"

"I said stop!" I exclaimed, finally getting him to stop arguing. "Just calm down," I sighed.

The other three grew silent, my mother fiddled her hands in her lap. "We're such bad parents," she frowned, her eyes downcast. "I'll do anything it takes to make it up to you," she promised, her eyes raising to meet mine. I noted the sincerity in them and I smiled sadly.

"It's not that easy to regain my trust," I muttered. "You guys put me through hell," I added, wanting to express the amount of pain they had put me through.

"We know and we're sorry..." my mother spoke up again.

"The words 'I'm sorry' lose their context after being said so often," I was quick to speak. "And you're the only one that's said them so far," I eyes the other two male occupants of the room.

"We are sorry," my father confirmed, a solemn nod given by Kurama in agreement with our father.

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