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I stood from the bed on shaky legs, letting the hospital gown fall to my sides as I made my way over to the clothes. I slipped them on and neatly folded the gown and set it where the clothes had previously been. Not long after, my mother stepped back into the room, seemingly surprised to see me already out of bed.

"Would you like to stop anywhere on the way home?" My mother asked, grabbing ours things.

"Uh..." I paused to think. Did I? "Grandma Tsunade's," I answered easily.

"Alright, let's get going then," she motioned towards the door.

We left the hospital and climbed into the car. Once I took my seat, I pulled hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of my face. We sat in silence all the way to our destination and when we got their, a ran up to the door, quickly knocking. Not long after, the door opened and a worried but happy look appeared on Jiraiya's face.

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