twenty one

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My parents spoke but I said nothing, I wasn't even sure how to act, I wasn't used to this. It seems they noticed because my dad finally spoke up. "Hey Naruto, would you like to go out to dinner later with your mom, Kurama, and I? We could possibly see a movie afterwards?" He suggested, I liked the idea.

I smiled a bit and nodded. "Uhhh sure, I'd like that," I nodded before standing from my spot at the table. "I'm going to go shower, when are we leaving?" I asked.

Minato checked his watch and hummed. "Around five?" He suggested, glancing back up at me.

"Sure," I nodded. "I'll be upstairs," he told them before heading up to the bathroom to take a shower.

 Little Things| SNDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora