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A/N Hello readers! (If anyone will ever read this...) This is my first fanfiction ever, and I'm just posting it for fun! I really hope you will like it, and I would be glad if you left a comment with your opinion, so that I can try to make it better! Enjoy!

I breathed heavily as I ran through the dark forest. I felt the twigs scratch my naked arms making small drops of blood emerge from my skin. He's coming; he's coming, were the only thoughts roaming through my mind. I stumbled on a loose rock and fell face down onto the ground, and felt a sharp pain in my left ankle. I desperately tried to catch my breath, but soon heard the sound of a branch cracking behind me. I felt the panic starting to grow inside me and desperately tried to stand up, but soon fell again as my legs didn't have the strength to hold me up. The sounds got louder and I tried to find a way to get out of this horrible situation I was now in, when a felt a set of cold hands around my throat.

I shot my eyes open in pure panic and reached my hand up to my throat, I was alive. My bed sheets where in a mess around me, and I noticed that I had accidently knocked over the bed lamp from my bedside table and it were now laying on the floor in a thousand pieces. I let out a deep sigh as I reached for my phone to check the time. 06.42. I slowly tried to get up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom on shaky legs to get ready for school with the nightmare still fresh in my mind. I signed again, another shitty day was about to begin. I froze as I looked in the bathroom mirror; to say I looked like a living corps was an understatement. My eyes were baggy and had dark circles beneath, which shone brightly in contrast to my pale skin. I quickly looked away from my reflection and washed my face. Showers were a big no, as I hated to shower in the mornings, it just felt uncomfortable. Well, I tried to avoid showers in general, only doing it when I really had to. Not that anybody cared anyway.

Trotting down the stairs, I caught a glimpse of my grandma through the open window, standing in the garden gardening. I walked to the counter and grabbed an apple as fast as I could, not wanting her to see me. My plan failed when I heard her calling my name behind me. I slowly turned towards her, and I could see on her face that she knew about the nightmares. She gave me a worried look, but decided to drop it, to my luck.

"Have a good day at school" She called out with a faint smile on her wrinkly face. I just ignored her and kept on going. I glanced back one last time and saw that she looked a little hurt but she quickly hid it with a smile. I felt my heart clench painfully in my chest when I saw how hurt she got from my actions, but I just can't help myself. I know she's having a hard time because of me, but I try, at least sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, my grandma is nice and all that, probably better than my parents, but there is just something in me that feels malicious. I guess I just haven't taken the time to get to know her. I know I should, but it just feels hard.

As the school only was a 5 minute walk away from grandma's house it didn't take long until I got there. I have always liked school. While others dreaded the thought of it, I actually really liked it, I had really good grades and lots of friends. That changed 7 months 6 days ago though. Now it's my living hell.

The day went on as any other ordinary day, and by that I mean dragging myself to class and ignoring everyone. It wasn't that way before, but now I can't imagine anything else. One thing that stood out though was that everyone was whispering about something, not that I cared anyway. But at lunch I involuntarily eavesdropped on a conversation by two girls sitting at one of the tables next to me, and by involuntarily I mean, they were so loud, I could not, not hear them.

"He is so handsome "One of them sighed dreamingly.

"Who?" The other girl asked, I decided to call her ponytail.

"The new transfer student, dummy, I heard that he is trying out for the volleyball team, that must mean he is fit, I can just imagine those abs" She drooled, and I decided to call her drooly. I suddenly saw her straighten her back whispering "There he is" excitedly.

I looked up too and my eyes met a tall brown eyed boy looking in my direction, even I couldn't deny the fact that he was handsome. Our eyes locked for a moment before I quickly looked away grabbing my stuff to get out of there, and while I did, I caught his name from drooly.

"His name is Jeon Jungkook."

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