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When he was done, we walked out of the gym together, the others watching us curiously. Some of them calling out to Jungkook teasingly saying stuff like "oh you got yourself a girl", and "he grows up so fast" while wiping their fake tears. Jungkook just laughed and stretched out his tongue towards them. I felt a tint blush on my cheeks from their teasing, but still giggled a little.

We walked together on our way to Jungkooks house in a comfortable silence and just enjoyed each other's company.

"Let's play a game, I ask you a question about you, and you answer, and then you ask me a question and I answer. You are allowed to pass if the question gets to personal, and you don't want to answer. Okay first question, what's your spirit animal?" Junkook asked with his bunny smile. I thought for a moment.

"I would have to say fox, because I'm smart and good at outsmarting my enemies." I said jokingly, while Jungkook giggled.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked, and he gave me a look, to which I shrugged.

"Seriously favorite color, but hmm red, black and white I think." Jungkook answered and I nodded "What kinds of music do you like?" He asked me.

"Well I mostly listen to classic, pop, hip-pop, and rock, so quite different styles, it often depends on what mood I'm in, what I listen to." I answered and at that moment I felt something tingly in my nose and sneezed.

"Interesting, I didn't take you for a girl who likes rock music, but I think that's cool, and bless you." He answered, smiling sweetly at me. I returned the smile and thought of another question.

"What's your favorite book?" I asked curiously.

"Don't judge okay?" I nodded seriously waiting for his answer.

"Harry Potter" Jungkook said looking away embarrassed.

"OMG you like Harry Potter too? I'm a total Potter head I have probably read the books like a thousand times, and I'm not exaggerating" I squealed excitedly holding his arm, but before I knew it I spaced out.

"The water dark cold water was flowing all around me, taking me into its powerful embrace. I opened my eyes only to be met by darkness and the panic woke inside me like a roaring monster. I couldn't breathe as the water was suffocating me and I no longer knew what was up or down. It felt like my head was going to explode from the asphyxia and the water was freezing taking away my will to fight. I desperately tried with my last powers to get up to the surface, in vain as I felt my body getting heavier. So this was how I was going to die? I felt the strength leave my body and everything went black"

"Hae Soo? Can you hear me? Please say something!" I dizzily looked up to face Jungkook who looked really worried. I looked around me taking in my surroundings, I was on the ground, with no clue how I got there, I must have fallen down and I noticed I had scratched my knees in the process. I tried, and failed to get on my feet, and Jungkook was fast to grab me, to prevent me from falling.

"I'm a-alright" I shuddered, feeling a little overwhelmed. My hands were shaking and I felt another panic attack start to surface. I felt Jungkook wrap his arms around me, to calm me down, and I put my arms around his neck and with my face against his chest I tried to breathe slowly. "It's okay, your safe now" He whispered in my ear while stroking my back, and I felt myself calm down in his safe embrace.

"My house isn't that far away, do you still wanna go there or would you like it better to go home?" He asked me softly still holding me tightly.

"I think it's alright let's go to your place, I don't want to worry grandma." I answered quietly into his chest.

"Okay let's go." He mumbled and slowly broke the hug.

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