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Jungkook's house was big. Like one of those houses you saw on TV, that the rich lived in. I stood there, staring at his house in awe, with him by my side. When I didn't move he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me inside. The inside looked just as good as the outside, with modern and light décor, and big windows letting in natural light. Jungkook kept pulling me directly towards the bathroom, and carefully sat me down on the toilet lid inside the large bathroom. He then searched through the cabinet with furrowed eyebrows and biting his lip cutely. He found what he was looking for which turned out to plasters and disinfectant.

He kneeled in front of me, and started to gently wash the scratches on my knees. I hitched in pain a little when he came in contact with my skin, but he kept cleaning it with a focused expression on his face. When he had cleaned them up he put on the plasters, and nodded to himself. Without looking at me, he leaned down and kissed the plasters softly, and I shivered in response.

"All done" Jungkook smiled stretching out his hand to help me up from the toilet lid. "Let's eat something, I'm starving." He continued as we made our way out of the bathroom. We walked inside the kitchen and I couldn't help but admire everything I saw around me. A wonderful smell hit my nostrils, and I saw a woman, standing in front of the stove cooking something. She looked up and saw us standing there awkwardly.

"Oh you're home!" She happily exclaimed, with a smile growing on her beautiful face. "And who is your friend?" She said now turning towards me with a gentle expression.

"This is my friend Hae Soo Noona, Noona this is my mom." Jungkook said and pointed at his mother slightly.

"Nice to meet you Hae Soo" She said kindly and added "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Yes she do" Jungkook answered for me before I had the chance to answer, smiling down at me as he was about 15 cm taller than me.

"It's about done now, so why don't you take a seat at the table?" She said while washing her hands. Jungkook nodded and I followed him to the dinner table taking a seat beside him. His mother called out that the food was ready, and a man and a little girl joined us at the table, as well as his mother. They introduced themselves as Jungkook's father and baby sister, who was by the way adorable, looking around seven years old. We started eating in a comfortable silence until Jungkook's mother broke it.

"Mina stop playing with your food, she said fondly looking at her daughter. She just giggled and kept doing it with a smug expression. Jungkook's mother just shook her head dejectedly. She then turned towards me, and I stiffened. Jungkook saw me stiffen and took my hand wordlessly under the table, and I relaxed.

"So are you dating" She smugly asked staring at us back and forth, with a smile. I blushed and Jungkook shocked on his food, and coughed a little before answering.

"No, we are just friends mom" He answered looking a bit embarrassed, but still holding my hand.

"Well you should" She said bluntly, causing both me and Jungkook to blush even more.

"Stop teasing the kids' darling" Jungkook's father chuckled taking her hand in the process, and then giving her a loving smile.

The dinner kept going and it was surprisingly nice, Jungkook's parents were amazing, so loving and caring, but still funny and cool. I was a little jealous actually. The time flew away and I had to go home Jungkook went to get my jacket and while he did, his mother approached me, with that kind smile of her that makes her face wrinkle.

"If you ever want to talk about anything, just know that I'm always her to listen to any girl issues, or if anything in general is bothering you." She said softly, and I felt tears starting to form in my eyes, she probably didn't know how much those words meant to me. In that moment Jungkook came back, and I quickly wiped my tears away before anyone could see them. I had become such a crybaby.

"Oh I think we should exchange phone numbers so that we can communicate a little easier" Jungkook said before I left.

"Sure why not" I answered handing him my phone so that he could type in his number, and he handed me his. We finished typing and we switched phones again.

I said my farewells and then went out, beginning to walk home, feeling unusually light on my feet.

Waterproof |Jeon Jungkook|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin