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At lunch that day, Jungkook and I sat at our usual spot.

"You mentioned your parents, if you don't mind, what happened to them?" Jungkook carefully asked looking for my reaction, understanding it was a sensitive subject. I froze feeling my entire body become cold.

"All you need to know is that they left me here. End of story, I don't want to talk about it." I said coldly. He stared at me for a moment, but then he decided to let it go.

We ate in silence for a while in awkward atmosphere, when suddenly someone sat down at our table.

"Hello! I'm Park Jimin" He said cheerfully with a big smile on his face. He was handsome, with colored blonde hair and small frame. I ignored him, but he kept talking.

"You are the transfer student right?" He said to Jungkook who nodded in response. "I'm in the same year, and I think we should become friends." He said bluntly with that cheerful smile across his face. Jungkook looked a little confused, but still smiled at him.

"Oh" He turned towards me. "You're a year older, right?" He now asked me and as Jungkook I nodded as an answer. "Of course I want to be friends with you too Noona!" He said happily, wrapping his arms around me in a big bear hug. Alarms went through my mind in chock, but before I could react he pulled back.

We kept talking to him, and after a while I realized that I actually started to like Jimin. He was funny and kind and I felt comfortable around him too, even if he was a little all over the place.

After a while we split up leaving for our next classes. I didn't get to see Jungkook until school ended, but he had been taking up my mind a lot more recently, more than I'd like to admit. He has stuck with me, even though I didn't want him there, but now it would feel empty without him. I don't know that much about him though, we haven't really talked that much about anything, but I have this feeling like I've known him for years. And it is hard to find someone who you can just enjoy their company with, without feeling the pressure to talk and have a conversation all the time.

After my last class ended, I decided to look for him. I then realized I have no idea where he could be, it was always him who "found" me. I didn't have his cellphone number either. Smörgåstårta. What am I supposed to do now? I strolled through the corridors for a while and then a caught hold of a memory in the back of my head. Hadn't one of those girls said he was in the volleyball team?

I made my way to the gym and saw the team practicing full speed. I peeked inside and my eyes immediately found Jungkook. Damn he looked hot, and by hot I mean warm, not the other kind. Well maybe I do. He was wearing his gym clothes, and you could glimpse all his muscles shining through the material. His forehead was blank with sweat as he played with the rest of the team. I watched for a while admiring his movements, when the coach called out for a break. He finally noticed me watching, and immediately started grinning walking towards me.

"What brings you here?" Jungkook smiled now standing in front of me. Why did I come here? I just wanted to see him, and now that I am, I suddenly don't know what to do.

"Ehh I-I don't know." I stuttered suddenly feeling nervous under his piercing gaze.

"Why don't we go somewhere? Hmm, we could go to my place after practice" He said looking at me expectantly. He wants me to go home with him? Well screw it, why not I thought.

"Sure" I answered, then regretting my decision as he gave me a wide smile and winked at me before going back to practice. What was that about? I just shrugged and sat down on an empty chair inside the gym watching the practice continue.

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