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Jungkook sat with me at lunch for the rest of the week. He didn't try to talk to me at all; he just sat there eating in silence. It was weird, he looked like someone who is quite popular, and could probably make friends easily. Instead he is sitting next to me, the outcast, quiet and damaged girl. Why? I still haven't found an answer. This time though I could feel him glancing at me before he actually said something.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook, what's yours?" He asked carefully as if he was talking with a wild animal that could either attack him, or run away at any moment, which was probably true though. The run-away part, not the wild and attack part. Maybe. I had an inner battle for a second and then gave up and answered him.

"Moon Hae Soo" I finally said avoiding his piercing gaze. He grinned at my answer and showed his bunny teeth.

"So she can talk after all" He said to himself "I first thought that you maybe couldn't understand Korean, but you obviously do" He said almost teasingly as he leaned a little forward.

"Oh right, you're not in my year right? I'm a first year and I haven't seen you in my halls, so you have to be older right? That means I should call you Noona." He teased still with that grin on his face.

"Why are you sitting with me?" I asked warily, still not quite trusting him.

"Because I want to, why else?" He nonchalantly answered, now leaning back on his chair. I frowned and tried to read him, but he just looked at me calmly.

"I mean why me, firstly I'm one year older, and secondly I don't know you, and you don't look like the type to hang out with someone like me. Trust me, you don't want to either." I said seriously while looking at him straight in the eyes, trying to get him to understand that he is better off without someone like me.

"Well since it's my choice who I hang out with, I choose you. You should feel honored." He said with a smirk. I just shook my head, he is officially crazy. I guess he will get tired of me eventually, like everyone else.

Throughout the day I saw him sometimes, and to my surprise he was alone too. I did see some girls openly staring at him in awe though, which didn't surprise me. Eventually school ended and I made my way to the music room sitting at the piano like I usually did. Today I decided to play the moonlight sonata. When I opened my eyes after the last note I saw that Jungkook had taken the freedom to sit down on the floor against one of the walls, studying.

"What are you doing here?" I asked monotony.

"Studying" Jungkook answered me lightly, not looking up from his book.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I have this test in three days that I have to score high on, if I still want to be able to play Overwatch. And I like the study music" He said still not looking up from his science book.

I decided to let it go and just keep playing. After about two hours the school janitor came telling us he was going to lock the school. The janitor was nice, and he knew that I stayed there almost every day, so he always came by to make sure I wasn't locked in, which actually happened once. I had to sleep on the music room floor, and I could barely walk the day after. And my grandma threw a tantrum, thinking I had been kidnapped. Jungkook and I gathered our stuff and walked out of the school building, it had grown dark outside, and I shivered a little.

"Here, take my jacket, I can see that you need it more than I do." Jungkook said handing me his jacket. I hesitated a moment, but then accepted it when the cold got the best of me, and felt the warmth from the jacket spread though me. I took a breath and smelled a faint breath of cologne. My breath hitched and I froze on the spot. Memories of that night flooded through my mind and suddenly it felt as if I was under water, not being able to breathe. I felt my hands start to shake and then my entire body was shaking uncontrollably. My heart started to beat fast and couldn't breathe. I panicked, and it felt as I was going to die. I didn't see anything around me, and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Take slow deep breaths, it's okay, I'm here." I distantly heard, but I was too panicked to understand what he was saying. Images flashed rapidly through my mind, of the ocean, the party, the blood. The panic only grew bigger like a roaring monster taking control of me. I kept hearing that voice in the distance, and my brain slowly started to comprehend what it was saying. Breathe.

I did as he told me and could slowly breathe again. The first few inhales were shaky and uneven, but it was slowly steading. I now realized where I was. I was sitting on the ground with Jungkooks arms wrapped around my back lightly, as if I would break if he held me tighter lightly, staring into his eyes. Tears slowly started to flow down my cheeks and he quietly wiped them away with his thumb. We sat like that for a while just breathing, and then I tried to stand up on unstable legs. He kept his arms around me to help me get steady and I felt strangely safe in his embrace. He didn't say anything after my panic attack, and I was thankful for that. We then walked home together in the dark night.

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