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That night I got a text message from a contact named 'Handsome Jungkookie' ;). Seriously, a winky face? I rolled my eyes before reading it out loud.

"Goodnight Hae Soo, I hope you sleep well." I smiled and stared at it for a while before answering. "Goodnight." I felt my eyelids getting heavier and drifted off to an anxious sleep.

His hands were forcefully around my neck, choking me, making me unable to breathe. Stars danced in front of my eyes and I was struggling for my life kicking and hitting, to no use. He was too strong, when I was just about to pass out he let go of my neck, and instead he pushed my head down under water, drowning me. Sometimes brining my head up, only to push me down again, making me choke on the water. He then leaned closer about to whisper something in my ea-

I screamed, and saw my door open, and shut. Then I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me gently, and I sobbed into my grandma's nightgown. The nightmares came back every night haunting me, leaving me as an empty shell, and I could yet again feel the pain and anger from that night. Grandma caressed my back softly while mumbling a lullaby in my ear to calm me down. When I finally did calm down, she took me out in the kitchen, giving me some hot chocolate. I sat there feeling empty just staring in front of me, I just felt nothing, and that was the worst feeling ever. I took a few sips from the chocolate and felt myself coming back to life a little. I glanced over at the clock, and it said 04.55. Not as early as I'd expected. Grandma was looking at me looking really concerned, and a noticed a few more wrinkles across her face, and it broke my heart to think that it was probably because of me.

That day at school did not go as I wanted it to, firstly I barley slept because of the nightmare, and I felt incredibly tired. Secondly the P.E lesson was swimming. I hate swimming. So I ditched it and went to the library instead, since the music room was taken. I walked around a bit and then saw a book which caught my eye "The secret story" By Donna Tartt. I opened the first page and was immediately stuck, unable to stop reading. I suddenly heard a the creaking of someone pulling out a chair next to me, so I unwillingly looked up from my book and met Jungkook's gorgeous eyes.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have P.E?" Jungkook asked a mixture of confusion and amusement visible on his face.

"Well we had swimming and I hate it, so I decided to just not go." I said returning to my book.

"Oh I'm getting badgirl vibes here" Jungkook said teasingly.

"But wait, how did you know I had P.E? Have you memorized my schedule?" I asked him abruptly, feeling a little bit curious, but at the same time a little flattered if he had.

"Um yeah" He said and looked away, but I caught a glimpse of the blush on his face. Cute.

We sat in silence for a while, and then decided to go eat some lunch.

We got seated at an empty table and were soon joined by Jimin and his girlfriend So Young.

"Hey what's up?" Jimin asked putting his arm around So Young. So Young has been sitting with us the past week, I guess her and Jimin came as a packed deal, but I actually really like her. She is really beautiful, in a natural way, and she is really cool and nice. She has diabetes type 1, so she has this button like thing on her arm that looks really cool to measure her blood sugar levels. We get along great, and we have become friends. Which is kind of weird when I think about it, since I now have three people that I can my call friends, and just a couple of months ago, I had no one. To my surprise another person joined our table that I only slightly recognized.

"Hey Jimin, I got some new jokes for you" The stranger excitedly shouted, making a few people turn and look at us weirdly.

"Not again Jin, do I really have to hear them?" Jimin groaned, and giving him a pleading looks.

"Yes you have to hear them; you have no choice as my friend and neighbor." The stranger who was apparently named Jin, just ignored Jimin's pleading and cleared his through.

"You're all living in a bubble" He said, and you could see he tried to contain his laughter.

"Why?"Jimin asked cracking up at Jin struggles to not laugh.

"Unbelievable" He said roaring with laughter, and it literally sounded like a windshield wiper. Everyone at the table started laughing, and in my case I just laughed, at how funny his laugh was sounding. It immediately brightened the mood at the table it felt really good.

Since we hadn't met before we introduced our self's and I learned that his name was Kim Seokjin, but called Jin, and that he was in fact a second year like me. We got along well and I felt "my" table growing bigger and nicer, with so many sitting here now, unlike when I was alone. 

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