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Lunch ended and I headed towards my next class, which was math. My grades had gone down quite a bit this year, but I feel like I'm getting back on track now and my grades are slowly but surely getting better. I feel a lot better with myself too after talking to Jungkook. I'm not the one I used to be, but I think it's impossible to go back to the one I was before. Our experiences are what make us who we are, after all. I don't know if I like the new me, but I will try to live in the moment and just take everything as it comes. I suddenly felt someone running up next to me.

"My god you walk fast." So young panted and took a hold of my arm to stop me. She bended over with her hands on her knees, while still panting heavily.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, do you have time?" She asked looking up at me. "Uh yeah my class starts in about half an hour" I answered with a hint of curiosity.

She took my hand and dragged me along to an empty classroom. So young turned towards me and took both my hands in hers and looked at me straight in the eyes, looking deadly serious.

"Do you like Jungkook?" She simply asked me. I halted and then realized what she was asking, and felt a faint blush spreading across my face. So young was still staring at me, and I asked myself do I like him? I really like his personality, we have some things in common, but we are still very different. I can't deny that I'm attracted to him too, he is handsome after all. I thought for another moment and then answered.

"Yes I like him"

She blinked at me, seemingly not expecting such a straightforward answer.

"Good, what are you going to do about it?"

"I don't really know, I guess I've just been waiting for him to make a move, but he hasn't." I answered feeling a little dishearten.

"Okay" So Young paused for a moment. "In my opinion I don't think that you should go around waiting for him to make a move. I think you should make a move. We are strong and independent young women after all. So just do it." She finished and gave me an encouraging slap on my back.

"Hey! That hurt" I said rubbing the sore spot on my back which she hit with too much force. "But I get what you're trying to say" I said with a grimace. She just laughed and started dragging me out of the classroom.

"YOU CAN DO IT!" So young screamed after me. I just shook my head and kept walking towards class trying to come up with a plan to get my feelings across to Jungkook.

After history which was my last class for the day I still hadn't come up with a good plan and just decided to just go with the flow and hope it goes well. Keyword hope.

As if my thoughts had been heard I saw Jungkook walking through the corridor, and without thinking I walked towards him. I then grabbed his arm and dragged him inside the first door I could find which just happened to be the janitors closet. Cliché I know. I closed the door after us and then pressed him against the wall; I didn't have any other choice though, as it was so cramped in there. I did the first thing I could think of and pressed my lips against his.

I felt him stiffen for a moment, but after a few seconds he relaxed against my lips and kissed back. Jungkook put his arms around my waist and drew me even closer as the kiss got more heated. I put my arms around his neck, and then felt his tongue asking for entrance and opened my mouth slightly. What started as a small kiss turned into a heated make out session, and gosh it felt amazing. His soft lips moved in synch with my own and his hands started roaming my sides and I shivered with pleasure with every touch. He pulled away first to catch his breath. We just stood there panting staring into each other's eyes with our faces only inches apart. He then leaned in against my lips again, but it was different this time, much slower and with more passion compared to the previous one. Our lips fitted each other's perfectly and it felt like I was in heaven. After a while we pulled apart once again and he kissed his way down my neck and started to suck at a spot near my ear. I shiver went down my spine in pleasure and before I could stop myself I let out a moan and that just seemed to make him even more eager. When he finished with that spot he moved on to another one, and I tried hard to hold back my moans.

He leaned back and took my hand and kissed it softly.

"I've wanted to do that for so long, but I guess you beat me to it. " He smiled softly and pulled me closer again. I returned his smile, and even giggled a little. Giggled really? I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts.

"I've wanted to tell you this for a while." I paused for a moment. "I really like you, in a not friend way, but in a more than a friend way." I paused for a moment. "I want to make this grand confession, but I don't really know what to say. But let me say this. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have really been there for me at all times, even when I didn't want you to." I laughed slightly" I guess what I'm trying to say is that you mean a lot to me, and I want you to be my boyfriend. "I finished staring into his dark eyes.

"I like you to, in a more than a friend way." He chuckled. "I fell hard for you probably before you liked me, but I didn't want to push you into anything you weren't ready for, and a little part of it was probably because I was shy and scared for rejection, you didn't like me at all in the beginning after all. But yes I'll be your boyfriend, if you want to be my girlfriend that is." Jungkook said and pecked my cheek. I was kind of surprised to hear that he has liked me for quite a long time, but I can't blame him for not saying anything. I guess it was good for me to take it into my own hands cause that meant I was ready for it.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend" I smiled, and pressed my lips against his again. Our lips moved in synch for a while and it ended way too soon in my opinion.

"Our friends will be thrilled to hear that we are dating now" I joked.

"Oh my god yes, and oh no I will not be the one to tell them" He whined pouting slightly looking too cute to be real.

"Well I will tell So Young, and then she will without doubt tell Jimin, who will tell everyone else" I said matter of factly. Jungkook laughed and hugged me tighter snuggling into my neck.

"I'm so happy right know" He whispered into my ear, his breath against my neck making me shiver.

"I am too, but I think we should get out of here before the janitor comes in and finds the surprise of his life, he will probably get a heart attack" I said as I took his hand in my own and walked out of there, only to be standing face to face with the janitor who was reaching for the handle. Both of us froze and then we both blushed heavily and quickly moved away towards the school's exit.

"BE SURE TO USE PROTECKTION KIDS" The janitor screamed after us. When we got out we looked at each other and then burst out laughing like mad. It felt like we were in a teen movie, and I don't think that's a bad feeling. We laughed until we couldn't breathe, and everytime we got eye contact we laughed as heavily as before. When we were slightly more composed we walked away together, more happy than ever.

The end!!!

When I wrote this I was sitting outside in our backyard on a picnic blanket being massacred my mosquitos, and if that wasn't bad enough there is like 30 degrees Celsius outside. So I'm both itchy and sweaty, end me now.

There is like no one reading this but it's fun anyway!

It was really fun writing this and I hope that you readers who made it this far liked it! This was my first fanfiction, and I will probably edit it a little to make it better.

Author-nim will be back with another story soon! (Let's at least hope that I will lol)

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