24.| prekinuti

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{Croatian} 》break up

N a t h a n

                The party was full on. Drunk teenagers littered the front yard. Most of them were already black out drunk. I shook my head at the scene. I wasn't a big fan of alcohol. I am always the designated driver for our little friend group. Jeffery and Edward liked to drink till they could barely remember their names. Aries was more responsible, though. He had things to take care of. He also always excepts a phone call from the asylum where his mother is. He excepts the worse and he is always on edge about it.

Edward took off with Hailee as soon as we set foot in the house. She protested and protested. She said she didn't like drinking but Edward insisted. She accepted reluctantly. I pitied the poor girl, Edward will definitely drive her up the wall. He gets pretty crazy when he is drunk and emotional.

I might need to call Aries or Jeffery later to help clean up their mess. I doubt Hailee is a quiet drunk. I think if Edward gave her too many drinks, she might shock us all.

I followed them silently and watched them from afar. Edward handed Hailee a red solo cup. She gulped it all down in one sip before gagging.

"Gosh, that tasted horrible." She cringed.

"I'm gonna call Aries." I muttered to no one in particular.

As I made my way through the crowds towards the back yard, I stumbled on someone's foot. I turned to glare at the guy and my heart dropped. It was Marco Rodriguez. He is a member in the gang that helped me and my mom get through the border. They usually sent him to be their muscle. I gulped. This isn't the right place for this.

"I knew I would find you here. You always have a thing for wild parties." He smirked.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You know what I want. Either gives us the money or come work with us." He stepped closer to me. He was a big guy, muscular and tall. Although I was pretty tall compared to other males, I was nothing against him. He was way more experienced in fighting than me.

"You know I can't do that. Besides, I promised that I'll give you the money when I have it." I wasn't loaded. I needed time to save some cash.

Before he could say or do anything, Hailee walked in. Her eyes were a bit redder than usual. She must be tipsy or something.

"Nathan, I can't find Ed." She seemed a little bit panicked. I glanced at Marco quickly. He smirked at me then turned his head towards Hailee. I knew that twisted smirk. He is going to get Hailee involved in this. Thank God Ana wasn't here, he would have definitely used her against me. I turned to Hailee cursing myself for ever agreeing to come here. I could tell she was uncomfortable, I think she sensed the tension rising between me and Marco.

"I want you to call Aries, tell him it's an emergency. Tell him to bring Jeffery too. We might need him. Look for Edward and wait for them outside. Okay?" She glanced at Marco before nodding at me. She was already on the phone with Aries when Marco grasped her wrist. She gasped and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Marco." I said through gritted teeth. My fisted balled up beside me. I wanted to punch him so bad but I couldn't. He would take me in a second, I needed my back up.

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