Chapter 4

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This song is 'Old Fashioned' by Panic! At The Disco.  The new album Pray For The Wicked is a 10/10 all the amazing you should listen to it right now.  Okay, bye.

              "So," I asked, "What did you guys hear?"  "Well, we met Troy's girlfriend and she told us about a legend of a ghost hitchhiker on the highway.  She was murdered, so she kills anyone who picks her up."  Dean answered.  "So, what're we gonna do now?"  I asked.  "Well, I was thinking we could go eat and then go check out the bridge."  Dean told me and  I nodded.  sounds like a plan to me.  A couple minutes of silence and we pulled into a diner.  It doesn't have a name, just a neon sign that says 'DINER', real creative.  The server was really nice and gave me ice cream after I ate my food.  She thought that Sam and Dean were my dads, which was weird and I laughed at them when they quickly denied it.  We stayed while Sam and Dean tried to figure out who the ghost lady was.  I just made up back stories for everyone that walked in.  Most of them consisted of escaped convicts.  Whether it be them or their mortal enemy.  After what felt like forever, Sam finally found out that the lady was named Constance Welch.  It was getting dark when we finally left.  It turns out she wasn't murdered, but committed suicide by jumping of the bridge after she drowned her children.

When we got to the bridge it was completely dark.  "Creepy."  I muttered when we got out of the car.  I heard Dean chuckle at my comment.  I never liked the dark, it made me feel  like I was suffocating.  I turned on the flashlight that I had grabbed from the trunk.  I started looking for clues along the bridge, but didn't find anything.  Sam and Dean were still searching so I sat in the car and closed my eyes.  All of the sudden I felt an evil energy so I opened my eyes and saw my flashlight flickering.  "Dean!"  I shouted in alarm, "Sam!"  They couldn't hear me.  I tried to get out of the car , but the doors wouldn't budge.  All of the sudden the car turned on.  I became more frantic in my useless attempts at opening the door.  I could her Dean yell, "Percy?  Why'd you turn Baby on?"  "It's not me!"  I shouted, nearing hysterics.  The car started to move and that's when both Sam and Dean noticed that something was wrong.  They must've seen that I wasn't in the drivers seat.  The car started speeding towards them.  It was going so fast that I was knocked off balance.  I saw it sending them closer to the side of the bridge.  "No!"  I pleaded.  I started banging on the seat.  I tried to reach for the emergency brake, but something stopped me.  I saw as both Sam and Dean jumped off the side of the bridge.  The car immediately stopped, which caused me to hit my head on the drivers seat, which  really hurt.  Then I went for the door and it still wouldn't open, I started to push harder and it burst open, sending me sprawling on the asphalt.  I got up quickly, despite my dizziness and my scraped arms and knees.  "Sam!  Dean!"  I shouted frantically.  "I'm right here, Perce.  I think Dean landed in the river."  I heard Sam's voice.  I ran over to the edge of the bridge and saw him pulling himself up.  I could also see Dean floating in the river, swimming towards the bank.  I sighed in relief.  "I'm sorry.  I tried to warn you, but you couldn't hear me and then the car started.  I'm sorry."  I started to blubber when Sam finally stood up again.  "There's no reason to be sorry Perce."  Sam reassured.  "Did you get hurt?"  he asked.  It was too dark for him to see my scrapes.  "A little, but I'll be fine.  I just hit my head and cut myself when I fell out of the car.  I'll be fine."  I tried to assure him.  To be honest, I'm still shaken up.  Sam looked at me apprehensively, I always repeat stuff when I'm nervous.  "Let's go fish Dean out of the river." he said finally.

When we got to the bank of the river we saw Dean covered in mud from head to toe.  "It looks like you've got a little something right there."  I motioned to his whole body.  Sam snickered while Dean glared at him, "Shut it."  Sam just put his hands up in surrender, trying to suppress his smile.  "What's that I hear?" Dean asks, "Percy wants a hug?  Oh, well I better give him one then."  Dean started chasing me and I screeched and ran towards the car.  I jumped in the back and Dean stopped.  "Ha!  I knew you would dirty your 'baby' up!"  I yelled in triumph.  He just sighed dramatically and went to the trunk to change into different clothes considering he was covered in mud.  When Dean was done he started up the car and we drove off.  By the time we reached a motel it was 11:30PM.  I was really tired.  What can I say?  Paranormal experiences take a lot out of you.  Dean checked us in and when we got into the room I laid my stuff down on the little table and curled up on the rug and closed my eyes.  Dean saw me and grabbed my arm,  "No, not yet, we need to clean you up first."  He dragged me up.  "Nooo," I whined, "I'm fine.  They're clean."  "How's that?"  He questioned, leading me to the bathroom.  I had no answer, I just wanted to sleep.  "Exactly."  He muttered.  He washed my arms and knees with water and peroxide before bandaging them.  "Sam said you hit your head?  Do you feel dizzy?"  Dean mothered me.  "Not anymore, I'm fine.  Can I sleep now?"  I begged.  "Just take an Advil for your head then, yes you can sleep, but not on the floor, take a bed."  I sighed and rolled my eyes.  I laid in the bed closest to me until Sam and Dean left the room.  I rolled onto the ground taking a pillow and the blanket.  I hate sleeping in beds, they're too soft.  The ground is way better to sleep on.  I drifted off the second I got comfortable.  I could faintly hear the door open and Dean sighing when he saw me before I was completely take by the darkness of sleep.

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