Chapter 6

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The song of the chapter is 'Strangers' by Kush Mody. gonna be real, never heard it until a YouTuber (Sam Golbach) made a playlist, so yeah. I'd explain what took me so long, but that'd be annoying so whatever. Love ya!

Sam and Dean wake up at 7AM to the digital alarm clock. Sam sits up first while Dean groans and rolls over. He looks over at me confused. To be fair, you don't usually expect seeing a kid surrounded by weapons first thing in the morning. "What are you doing?" HE questions. This makes Dean sit up as well. I shrug. "i don't know. I was bored." Sam stands up, soon followed by Dean. "How long have you been up?" Dean asks. "Maybe an hour. half hour?" I lie smoothly. "Now get ready. You gotta see my sick stick fort. Oh, and we need to catch a monster." That gets them to chuckle and i smile at my achievement.

Time skip to the woods

I couldn't shake of the smile after I showed them my stick fort. They thought it was really cool and I'm pretty sure they weren't just pretending.  We slowly went to a stop and I looked up from the end of my backpack strap. I'm greeted with the sight of a young woman, an older man, and a kid who seems older, like a teenager, but it's hard to tell if he's just tall.  We climb out of the car and the woman has her hands on her hips. She looks fake annoyed. At least I think it's fake annoyed. I'm almost too distracted to hear the older man mutter, "Jesus Christ!  What do I look like?  A babysitter?"  I roll my eyes and ignore the exchange Dean and the woman have. "Whose this?"  She asks pointing at me. "I'm Percy, ma'am. I'm here to earn my merit badge. I'm especially skilled at tracking and basic survival skills."  I smile innocently up at her. She smiles back, buying my act of an innocent kid. She shook my outstretched hand and said, "I'm Haley and that's Ben.  He's Roy."  I nod and say, "It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can find your brother."  She smiles and nods. We follow Sam as we walk deeper into the woods.

I can't stay focused and it's infuriating. I'm supposed to be helping and all I can focus on is the birds and insects chirping, leaves rustling, wind blowing, our steps crunching against leaves and dirt, the bag digging into my shoulder, my sick slowly slipping down my heel in my boots. Wow, wasn't expecting Dean to stop. Great, now Roy thinks I'm an idiot. This is mortifying. They can probably tell I'm not a boy-scout. They're gonna call me out, aren't they. Any second now. Wait, why are we walking? They didn't even say anything.

Roy finally announces our arrival to Black Water Ridge and I cant be happier. My sock is at my toes at this point and I've got blisters for days on my heel. I couldn't stop because I'd look stupid. Ew, wait. Never mind, it's too quiet to stop right now. I'm going to Sam and Dean, they'll know. They're acknowledging the silence when I walk up to them. "So, um what're we gonna do?" I whisper to them. We gotta be sneaky, what can I say? Before they can answer Roy says he's going to take a look around. Wait no, that's dumb. Sam tells him he shouldn't, but he just ignores him. Dummy. Dean then announces that we'll stay together. Besides Roy I guess. I mean, he's rude.

While we're walking in silence, someone whose voice I don't recognize calls out, "Hailey!" Everyone starts running and since I'm in the back I get the memo fast. Aw, I hate running, I always feel like I'm gonna die. To be fair, I usually am about to. I speed up to keep up and stop a second before slamming into Ben, whoops. I peek over his shoulder to see a tent that's completely wrecked. Like a hundred bears decided to have a deer party inside it wrecked. Okay, maybe not the best example. Focus Jackson! Okay, they're already investigating the campsite, might as well investigate around it. I stumble across a weird indentation into the dirt. I squat down and examine it closer. It looks like something big and heavy was dragged. I'm gonna go against wishful thinking and say it probably isn't Santa's bag for the forest creatures. It does stop abruptly, which is concerning. I slowly look up. Happily, all I see are leaves. "Hey, um Dean?" I call out, not really yelling. I mean, I don't want to announce we're here anymore than the creature probably already knows. Somehow, gods bless his ears, he heard me. "What's up?" He asks after locating me. "Well, big drag mark." I point. "Big drag mark end. Where'd it come from? Where'd it go? Where'd it come from, cotton eyed Joe?" He shorts and lowers down next to me. "Good question. How'd you find it? The marks I mean." He asks. "Oh, and Sammy!" He shouts. I cringe, he's too loud. "I'm a boy scout and I specialize in tracking, what can I say?" He smirks and I stand up. "I'm gonna keep snooping around." I tell him and salute lazily. What could it even be? I heard Dean tell Sam it was a skin walker or a black dog. I should've read up more before I came. I hate being left in the dark. "Please! Somebody help!" Somebody shouts which makes me jump about six feet in the air. I could hear everyone from the camp running to it. What if that's what the thing wants? Well, I can think about that when I'm running to them. Rather die with them then live alone. I can see them ahead, all stopped. Maybe I should stop a little behind? Might as well I guess. They're being really quiet. Am I being really quiet? I should stop shuffling from foot to foot. I still need to fix my sock. Sam tells everyone to go back to camp. I stay behind a second and they don't see me since I'm to the left a bit. Just In case something sweeps them from behind I guess.

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