Chapter 11

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The song of the chapter is 'Boy Division' by My Chemical Romance. It slaps tbh.

By the time the rest of the kids came into the dining room Percy had set up his papers full of research and ideas. He stood there for a moment before speaking, "Okay, so I know you guys don't really know me and have no reason to trust me or help at all, but here goes anyway. You guys all have some degree of knowledge of the supernatural, correct?" Percy continues after he gets nods from his small audience, he also started pacing back and forth without realizing, "Okay, so my brothers- my, Sam, Dean, their dad, and I hunted all kinds of stuff together since I was a baby. Well fast forward to today and we, well I, basically a portal to Hell was opened and countless demons got out and I need help in getting them back where they belong as safely as possible. I've been researching and I think that I have a few ideas of how to get them out of people without hurting them or killing them." Percy pauses, he looks around ready to face looks of distrust and opposition to helping him, but mainly he sees curious eyes and thinking minds. He's not too sure what they're thinking about, but he hopes it's nothing too horrible. After a few more moments of silence a brute looking girl speaks up, "Well, are you gonna keep us in suspense or are you going to tell us your ideas?" Percy seems a bit confused, expecting at least one "You're crazy!" until it dawns on him, he's dealing with kids who are more or less like him, still he can't help but ask, "You guys want to help? You trust me enough to believe me?" The same girl speaks up, "Is there a reason we shouldn't?" Percy smiles for a moment, "No, sorry. Just not used to, you know what? Never mind. Okay," Percy points to an unfolded map of where Hell was released. "I can't tell you exactly how many were released or how far they went, but this is where they came from, so I'd suspect that there are a lot in the surrounding area. I'm also not totally sure as to why the demon who wanted to release them released them. I do know that they are dead. Well, as dead as a demon can be. And I don't know who they were working for, but it'd be unwise to assume that they were the sole leader in this."  Percy paused for a minute, letting everyone absorb what he said for a minute. "Listen, I know it's a daunting task, but I have been thinking and I have a couple ideas on how to make it easier on us and harder for them.  First, we're getting squirt guns. They're cheap, and people won't question why a bunch of kids have squirt guns. We can fill them with holy water if we ever find ourselves in a bind and need a couple seconds. Second, walkie talkies. Not only will we need to keep in contact with each other in order to help each other out, but demons tend to mess up radio signals so if your skeptical if there's a demon turn it on and it's sure to go wild if there is. Also, a cover story if we're caught, we're playing detectives or cops so that's why we need the walkies and squirt guns.  Another thing, I'm going to write all of y'all a book full of different rituals on how to exorcise demons. It'll be laminated so it'll be practically indestructible. I've already got most of it typed up.  Now, if you guys are willing to do this with me, I've a couple ideas on how to get started, but I need to know how is all ready to do this?"  There was a silence before Annabeth spoke up, "I mean, you've thought it out enough and you saw it all happen, so I trust you know what you're talking about, so I'm in."  Percy smoked at her and slowly everyone else said that they wanted to join. Percy smiles, "Well, lets get started then."

Okay, I'm gonna keep making shorter chapters for now. I apologize for any typos, I'm on my phone. Anyways, hope ya liked it. Love ya!

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