Chapter 8

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The song of the chapter is 'The Halocline' by Hippo Campus.  Anyways, Love ya!

Sam, Dean and I pulled up to an dingy diner (alliterations are my favorite literary device next to oxymorons). "Thank God, I've gotta pee!"  I sighed out before telling Sam to get me fries or something and cherry coke and run in.  "My brother is coming in soon, but I've really gotta use the bathroom, is that okay?"  I questioned the cashier.  He smiled and waved me off.  "Thank you!"  I smiled and went to the back.

After I finished I washed my hands, I looked into the mirror and saw someone standing behind me and jumped.  "Sorry,"  I laughed, "You startled me!"  The man chuckled and his eyes flickered yellow.  Well crap,  "Oh, that's why!"  I spun around and threw soapy water in his face and darted for the door.  I don't have a weapon, I don't stand a chance.  Sadly, the water didn't slow him down and he caught my hood, choking me.  "Sam!"  I screamed before I felt a sharp pain in my head and passed out.  

Ow!  My head.  What happened?  My eyes shoot open when I wake up.  What's happening?  Wait, why can't I see?  I start to panic, remembering not good times.  "I'm not there.  I'm not there!"  I keep repeating to myself.  'What if you are though?  What if everything was a dream?'  "No!"  I yell out.  "I know it's not!  It sucked too much!"  I continued trying to drown out the thoughts.  I stop the second I hear a scream.  Crap,  what if it's dangerous?  Of course it's dangerous idiot!  A demon brought you here dummy!  You need to escape.  I sit up and slide back until I hit something, perfect.  I stand slowly to ward of any dizziness, but it's a bit hard to tell since it's so dark.  'Close your eyes, it won't be as scary.'  I'm still breathing heavy and can tell my movements are frantic, though I can do nothing to stop them.  It helps a little though.  Find a way out.  I drag my hands up and down the wall slowly and lightly to avoid splinters (though I can feel a few enter in my skin anyways), trying to find a door.  I stop when my hand hits something hard and metal, ouch.  I feel it.  I think it's a door knob!  I try to twist it, only for it to not move.  Well crap.  I jiggle it aggressively, even though I know it won't help.  I can feel the panic bubbling inside me, I have to get out.  I can't stay.  I need to leave.  My heart, along with the rest of my body stops dead in it's tracks when I hear footsteps.  I should yell out, they could help.  No idiot!  They could be bad.  True.  I can hear one, feminine voice yell.  Then a deeper, more masculine voice sounds.  I try to log them into my memory for future reference when the second voice clicks in my head.  "Sam?"  My mouth beats my brain and I hear the conversation stop.  Oh crap, I'm dead.  I mean, might as well keep up with it, I'm probably dead anyways.  "Sam?  Is that you?"  I call out louder.  "Is Dean there?"  I hear footsteps hurry closer, with more trailing behind.  "Percy?  Is that you?  Where are you?  Knock on the surface."  I quickly oblige by banging on the door.  "Sam!  I'm here!"  I hear footsteps stop in front of me and the knob jiggle.  "Percy, move back,  I'm going to break the door down."  "Okay!"  I call out before quickly moving backwards, only to fall into something.  I groan out.  "Percy?  Are you okay?"  "Yeah, sorry.  I didn't know there was a table, it's really dark.  Also, I'm far away.  Please hurry up, it's creepy."  I try to play off my fear, but it's hard when all I can think of is how there are so many other things that could be in here now that I know a table is in here.  "I'll hurry."  There's a loud bang followed by three more until a sudden stream of light burst through, partially blocked by a tall figure who rushed in and pulled me up.  "Percy, are you alright?  How'd you even get here?"  "I don't know!  Where are we?"  We walked out and I saw four other people.  Two I knew as Ava and Andy, but I didn't know the other two.  I grabbed onto Sam's jacket. nervous.  What if they're bad people?  "Sam, what's going on?"  "We're not sure yet, Perce."  "Who's the kid?  How do you know he's not a demon?  Like the other one."  A guy in an army outfit asked apprehensively.  "Demon?  Why would I be a demon?"  "This is Percy.  He's my little brother."  That made me smile despite myself, it's nice that he thinks I'm close enough to be family.  "It doesn't make sense.  He's not 23 like us.  Does he even have any powers or whatever?"  Ava asks.  Sam looks at me.  "Uhm no.  Also, I'm 13, soo I'm not  really a kid."  I tried to  break the ice, but it's obviously much thicker than I expected because nobody laughed.  "It doesn't really matter why Percy's here.  We need to figure out how to get out.  We also needs weapons to defend ourselves."  

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