Chapter 11

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The song of the chapter is "16/04/16 (Jack's Song) by cavetown. It wrecks my heart every time I hear it but it's still my favorite in the whole world.

Percy really hated it here.  Nobody was outwardly mean or anything, but he knew he wasn't meant to be here. They all stared at him and didn't really talk to him. He felt like a new species dropped in the middle of the rainforest and all the other animals were trying to figure out if he was predator or prey. Well, all besides Luke. Luke was the oldest and seemed to make it his personal duty to get Percy accustomed to being here. Percy appreciated the sentiment, but couldn't help be uncomfortable every time he tried to get him to join in their domestic activities. He needed to focus on his mistake and how he could fix it. This time, well Percy just couldn't hold it in anymore. The task wasn't even hard, Luke had just asked if he wanted to watch a movie.

"I can't."  I said for what must've been the thousandth time this week. I was sitting at the dining table, as I had been for the last week because both Luke and Chiron didn't want me licked up in my room. "Why not?  It's a great movie and it's not scary if that's what you're worried about."  Percy just put his face closer to the book he was reading. It's about demons. "Please?  It'll be fun, plus, you can finally stop reading and relax a little."  Percy finally broke, he had refused to tell them what he was reading and researching. "Relax?  How can I relax when I know that my stupid self released countless demons onto millions of innocent people."  "Wait a second, what're you talking about?"  Of course someone was listening from the door way. It was a girl. She had blond curly hair and grey eyes, Percy was pretty sure her name is Annabeth. Percy couldn't contain it anymore. "I mean that I opened a gate to Hell. Well, I almost did, then some other guy came and took the key from me and was gonna kill me. That doesn't matter, either way, it's my fault and now I'm stuck here and I can't  help."  "Woah, well first of all, it doesn't matter who's fault it is. Second of all, who said you can't help?  I mean you're in a place where there are a bunch of kids who know about the supernatural and have at least a little bit of training on how to fight it. I'm sure we could have a meeting minus Chiron to think of a way to convince him to let us go."  Percy was quiet for a moment. He was expecting them to tel him that he can't do anything about it and to not worry. He purses his lips before saying, "Could you give me a couple of minutes to set up what I have before you get everyone else in here?"

A short ass chapter but I'm like dead so oh well, at least it's something. I don't think I've ever been so unmotivated in my life. Like I have a million ideas but I just like can't. You know?  Anyways, love ya! 

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