So i was tagged??

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A user by the name of @ProudToBeAsexual tagged me and I figured why not. Only thing is is that I don't really know anyone on here enough to tag the so I won't tag anyone unless you want an excuse to this, in that case I tag you. Okay, anyways here ya go

1.) September 6th
2.) Tear in My Heart by tøp
3.) Nope buddy boyo
4.) I mean, I like my friends, but I'm not gonna day their names. I also love my pets Finn and Annie (they'll probably end up in here in some way because I miss them v much)
5.) Blue Planet all the way browski (I'm sorry, that's horrible. It sounds like a horrible mixed drink in a frat house, browski)
6.) I love purple and black mixed together
7.) I'm not comfortable sharing that online :/
8.) I've only listened to Newsies because I was crew for it and it's awesome (I think ours was better than the Broadway because they had less broadwayie voices, ya know?)
9.) I am female (sorry, but the question was written in a way that seems trans exclusionary:/)
10.) I am aromantic/Asexual
11.) Annie
12.) I don't listen to K-Pop :/
13.) I'm a ravenclaw but my friend thinks that the test keeps lying because I'm a hufflepuff
14.) I don't play that, but I usually pick toad or Bones in Mario Kart

Lmk if y'all actually wanna know more about me because I'll do more like this idrc. I just won't answer any questions I'm uncomfortable with, like my name, where I live, pictures of me (like my face also nothing else.  Sorry y'all's ain't getting toe pics) and anything else I'm not comfortable with or I think could trigger me or anyone else :). Love yas!

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