you're my first love and you always will be

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*Holland's POV*

I woke up with familiar sound it's not my alarm it's my mom and dad sounds , they were shouting and screaming like always but i don't have anything to do .

so i hopped out of my bed and went to the toilet to take a shower and do what everybody does in the toilet ...... i guess . so today was Monday I HATE MONDAYS and i wasn't in mode so i made my hair in a messy bun and i wore skinny jeans with a normal white t-shirt and went down stairs , when my mom and dad saw me they stopped and looked at me but i ignored and went outside i heard my mom shouting after me " Holland you didn't eat your breakfast ! " i stopped walking and i turn around and i answered her with my head down " i ... i will eat outside i will grab something on my way " then i walked without waiting for her to answer if you are thinking why i am doing that cause they never think of me and my mom doesn't love me that much as you think and my mom and dad always fight so i just made my own world

i am in last year of school then i am going to college but today they gave us a weekend for 5 days so i didn't know where to go , i decided to go to Starbucks to have something for my breakfast .

i entered Starbucks and ordered then i sat down on a table near the window and suddenly it rained and i love it when it rains i just think of many thinks while looking outside the window .

when i've finished i went out of Starbucks with my hot chocolate without an umbrella but i didn't care , i was looking at my shoes while walking so i've heard someone running and the water splash sound i didn't care but it was a wrong choice for not caring and looking cause someone bumped on me and the hot chocolate is on my clothes and it was so hot ..... super hot i was burning i didn't saw his-her face i just shouted " LOOK WHILE YOU ARE RUNNING " i was trying hardly to not let the hot chocolate touch's my skin until finally the person speaks and he was a boy and his voice was little deep and hot " oh i am really really sorry but here is ... take this tissue " well i was about to laugh cause he was nervous and his voice was saying that he was really sorry but i wanted to sound like i was really mad " well THANKS ' i still didn't saw his face cause i was trying to clean my t-shirt so he speaks again " well here is my number so you can meet me again and i will be sure that you for..... just get this paper cause i am really late " i finally saw his face he was so cute and he smiled when i looked at his face he has green eyes and a wet curly hair it is wet from the rain and he was tall not to tall but little taller than me i took the paper and smiled " o...OK thanks " his smile get wider and his dimples became dipper and he ran again .

i went back home and went to my room i shut the door and changed into a short and a t-shirt , while i am taking my dirty clothes to the laundry i felt something in my jeans pocket so i bring it out and i saw the paper that the boy gave me i smiled and i put the paper into my shorts pocket and continued what i was doing .

* Harry's POV *

" mom i am back ! " i shouted but i didn't saw my mother anywhere and she didn't answered me , i went to the kitchen to put the grocery i saw a note paper on the refrigerator it was written on it " Dear Harry , i went out with your sister to do some shopping and girl stuff i hope you bought what i need love you 'xx ' wow mum great job you went out and you didn't bought what you need by yourself but its ok cause i love my mom i went to my room and i was thinking about the girl that i saw her and gave her my number she was so beautiful she have green - blue eyes and her hair was brown light brown and she was so beautiful i wondered when she will call or text i decided to stop thinking and to text Niall one of my best friends " Hey Niall wanna hang out :) ? - Harry xx " i closed my phone and waited i didn't wait that much until my phone buzzed i checked my phone it was Niall " ya sure how about meeting in Nando's with the boys cause i am really hungry ;( - Niall xx " i laughed when he wrote i am really hungry cause he always say it i text back " OK i'll be there in 20 minutes :D - Harry xx " i grabbed my keys and i called my mum to tell her so she will not be worried about me my mom always worry about me will because she's my mum .

i reached Nando's and i spotted the boys table and i waved and they waved back i chuckled cause i know that Niall is mad cause i take more than 20 minutes " FINALLY YOU CAME !!!" we all laughed except Niall then liam said " c'mon Niall lets order " we all ordered and i was laughing at Louis and Niall cause they were fighting about the fries

Hope you like this part :*

you're my first love and you always will beWhere stories live. Discover now