part 4

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*Holland's POV *

i can't believe that I found my family , I can't describe my happiness right now cause finally I am gonna be free and live with my mom ....... maybe , as I was about to get up and go back home but Louis stopped Me as he pulled me down again " please don't go i want to stay with you longer and i want you to tell me about yourself more " his voice was full of sadnes and hope that I will stay " i really can't my  step mom well kill me Louis I wish that I could stay and i wish that I could talk to you more but .... I'm sorry " he stared into my eyes and he grabbed my hand as he said " Holland as long as I am here and that I am your big brother nobody can hurt you i promise " the tears started to form in my eyes as i hugged him tightly cause finally I have someone cares about me someone that I can talk to someone who will protect me from anybody who's trying to hurt me someone who comfort me whenever I am nervous or scared , i sobed into his shoulders as he rubbed my back saying " shhhhhh don't cry I am here "


I return back home after talking to Louis for an hour and telling him about myself and also he told me about him self and i realized that Louis have a really nice voice and also his friends

I heard footsteps and probably it's my step mom I was scared so scared cause I am late .... 3 hours ? ya 3 hours oops ! " YOUNG LADY YOU'RE LATE FOR 3 HOURS NOW I TOLD YOU IF YOU WANT TO HANG OUT JUST FOR 2 OR 1 HOUR AND NOW YOU DID SOMETHING REALLY BAD AND WRONG THAT YOU BREAK THE RULES " I opened my mouth to talk but I didn't have the time to talk cause she punched me straight into the face and she kiked me in my stomach I shouted for help but there was nobody will care

Suddenly ....

wait for the next part ;)

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