The news

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Keith's POV

"I'm in a bus to Coral Cove. See you in a few." The line disconnected. I propped myself up by the elbow, staring at my phone in disbelief. That idiot didn't even say hello nor apologize for waking me up at four in the morning.

Running a hand through my hair I yawned. Better take a shower now that I'm up. Gathering the outfit Rayne had picked out yesterday, ( over the phone) I walked inside the bathroom connecting the guest room to mine and turned on the light, already stripping my clothes.


"Are you pulling a prank on me Keith?" Mom snapped. I chugged the last remains of my orange juice in surprise. It's very rare to see her mad, especially in the mornings. Plus, I thought she'd be happy to see Ashton. She practically adopted him when we were young.

"Uh, nooooo." I dragged the word. she sighed heavily and started laughing.

"Those are the greatest news I've heard in a while." I rolled my eyes. That's the same thing she said yesterday when told her that I got a high grade on my AP government exam.

I was starting to get the sneaking suspicion that she was bipolar. That, or she was hanging out with Rayne too much.

"So why did you slam your fist in the table?" I asked. Shrugged.

"Haven't you noticed the house is a complete wreck Keith? You and your father walk around here as if it were a college dorm. Now I have to clean up before Ash gets here. Only she would get away with calling him that. There really was no point in telling her that her Ash didn't care if the house looked presentable or not, all he wanted is a place to sleep in.

"I'm going to go now, okay? Good luck getting the floors to sparkle." She rolled her eyes as she messsd my hair.

I took my bag from behind the couch and my car keys from the Den's coffee table.

Ashton would probably call her to pick him up from the bus station.


"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" I stopped running and turned back when I heard that particularly familiar voice. Thundy was sprawled on the grass, her golden brown hair sticking up from every direction as she held up her hand in defeat.

Before I could make my way towards her, coach rolled his eyes as he stood above her.

"Get up Rayne or I'll make you run another lap." I could see the corner of his lips lifting up. That was Rayner's Magic spell working on him. Her dorky-ness was so endearing, everyone eventually just fell in love with her.

"Oh my God Mister, That is so rude! Where is your soul here I am, laying on the h ground, clearly my leg fatally broken and you want me to run another lap?! I chuckled. So overdramatic as always.

"What am I going to do with you?" He rolled his eyes again, blowing the whistle, signaling that warm you were done for today.

So she did manage to save us all in the end.

She met my eyes and grinned widely, easily getting on her feet and sprinting towards me.

"I thought you leg was fatally broken." I raised and eyebrow. Her tiny shoulders lifted off in a shrug.

"What can I say your eyes can do miracles." I pulled her against me and messed her hair. I couldn't believe how much I loved her. Even after half a year of dating, she still managed to make my stomach do summersaults. My heart literally burst out of my chest everytime her beautiful lagoon blue-green eyes met mine... And everytime I touched her, I never wanted to let go.

"Alright lovebirds, break it off. We're assembling team for Dodge Ball. Both of you are captains, so choose your teams." Coach parted our bodies away with a hand on our foreheads. Giggles rose from our classmates.

"Get ready Keith, you're going down." She growled, pointing to Dave, our linebacker. He came forward and high-fived her.

"Don't think so Rayne." I called out to Greg the Basketball Captain.

After the game was over ( I couldn't believe she actually won), I held her hand tightly as we made our way to her favorite ice cream shop. It was our Friday ritual as well as a little date.

Listening to her tinkling laughter, I vowed to always be by her side. As long as she needed me.

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