Old Friend.

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Michelle Wilson ↑↑↑

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Michelle Wilson ↑↑↑

Rayne's POV

"You're a candidate for this year's prom Queen! Isn't it wonderful?" Paula becker, the student council president squealed. I have to say it was a first for me, seeing her all pumped up. Usually she was the quiet one sitting in the back of the classroom, completing all the work while the substitute teacher is checking Instagram and the whole class is in total uproar.

"I'm only a junior though," I reasoned.  This was a total mistake. I could not, I repeat, I could not be the prom Queen this year. Or any year at all. The reason was simple.

I. Could. Not. Dance. Not even to save my life. If a crazy stalker psycho killer ordered me to do a Hakuna Matata in order not to bash my brains out, I would most likely Matata Hakuna and die. That's how bad I was.

"Thanks doesn't matter, I'm so happy that it was you and not Jessica Bailey." Who was no other than a mini Regina George. It's didn't help that she was the head cheerleader because that just put her in a much higher place that all of us. In her little messed up brain.

"We'll see." I hope it was Bailey leaf and not me. At least she knows how to work her stuff. If you know what I mean.

"OMG!!! Thundy!!!" You know that horror music that plays in the background of Finding Nemo when Darla walks in the dentist's office? Yeah? Well, that was replaying through my head when I heard that dreaded nickname.

Oh God, please don't let it catch on!

"How dare you Michelle?!" I snapped at Keith's sister, who coincidentally happened to be my best friend. The golden blonde giggled as she enveloped me in a gigantic bear hug.

"I expect that kind of thing out of your brother.... But not you!" I said as dramatically as I could, which only caused Keith to roll his eyes. She released me with a huge smile on her gorgeous face.

"I am so happy to see you. Bording school was terrible without you!" Ladies and gentlemen that what happens when you get home at four in the morning hanging form a random dude's arm and alcohol reeking your breath. You get shipped by your parents to attend an all-girls bording school in Italy.

At drink a coffee afterwords so a tad bit if sanity comes back.

"I missed you too. Don't dare to do that to me okay? At least not for a couple of years." She gripped my arms tightly and loudly whispered in my ears, totally ignoring me.

"I leave for six months and I come back to see your name tattooed on my brother's room. What. The. Hell?"

"What?" Keith and I both snap.

"I mean, in every corner, there's at least one picture of you. And last time he fell asleep on me while playing Mario kart and mumbled your name over three times." We just blinked at her. I think on the weirdo scale she passed me by a few points.

"Are you an item?" She demanded.

"You make it sound so disturbing. Now I feel molested." I grumbled. Her eyes lit up.

"Is that a yes?" She squealed. Keith and I blushed. "I knew it. I knew you both would end up together!" Keith searched for my hand and held it tightly.

"Michelle shut up, you're embarrassing me." I pleaded, covering my face with other hand.

"I know how that feels." Keith looked pointedly at me. I winked.

"Oh before i forgot you better be ready by six today because we're picking you up for dinner."

I groaned.


I paced back and forth in the middle of my room, occasionally looking at the full length mirror across from me. Did I look okay? Michelle said they had reservations at the fanciest restaurant in town and I knew for a fact that people who were better dressed got admitted in faster. I hated how that system worked, but the food in there was yummy. Plus, I wanted to look good for Keith. These past few days that I've been sick, all he's seen me in are over-sized sweaters and sweats.

I guess I just wanted him to look at me today and be proud.

When the doorbell rang, I gave myself one final look at my outfit and dashed to open the door before dad could embarrass me.

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