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Michelle's POV

Michelle: good morning sunshine! <3 I typed. It was Saturday morning and I was bored to death. School break started yesterday, and nobody had the decency to invite me anywhere. So here I was, on my Instagram and shopping online. As soon as Rayne's name popped up on the phone's screen, my spirits had lifted.

Rayne: good morning! My fingers paused above the letters for a second. Hmm, she hadn't ended her reply with her usual emoticons. I hope she remembered the code we made up when we were in middle school. If one of us ever felt down, we wouldn't send hearts or happy faces after our messages.

Maybe I was overreacting and she did forget.

Michelle: want to have a girl's night out? :D
Her answer didn't really matter. I was going to come over to her house and drag her out of the bed, because I was selfish and spoilt little brat.

Rayne: I can't Michelle I'm not home. I ignored the uneasy feeling in my stomach. A sudden burst of profanities coming from my brother's mouth interrupted my train of thought.

He must be having a boxing match with Ashton. Lately (meaning two days ago) he suddenly picked up on that, and hadn't been out of his room.

OH...MY...GOSH...could it be that he and Rayne are having problems?

Michelle: I can't wait for you silly! xP Yes. I could predict when I was going to get answer I wasn't going to like it. The uneasy feeling in my stomach was called a friend's intution.

But....I wasn't expecting what her reply said....

Rayne: Im not in America. I'm sorry... I'll see when school starts okay Mich? Love you! <3 . She went offline before I could ask where her current location was.

She and my stupid brother broke up. There was no other explanation as to why she left America without telling either of us.

I quickly jumped up from my bed, almost knocking my laptop to the hardwood floor and burst into my brother's room.

"Haven't you learned how to know yet?" Keith snapped throwing his boxing gloves on the bed.

"When did you turn such an asshole? No wonder Rayne left." I growled. By the change of look on his face, I had let the news slip.

"What...?" His eyes were huge. He took a giant step towards me and gripped my shoulders gently. I could feel his fingers trembling against my skin.

"She's gone."

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