Meeting Blue eyes.

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"Good god, you make me feel like a peasant!" Michelle playfully growled when she looked at me.
With one look at her, I wanted to go back to my room and sob.she looked so amazing in her peach dress. That was the colour that brought out her eyes. She would definitely drop jaws when she makes her appearance.

"Like you're the one to talk." I snapped.
We both laughed and I quickly ushered her out of the house when I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen.

"Keith sent me for you. He's still getting ready." She rolled her eyes. I opened the passenger door of her little Bug and we drove twenty minutes of gossiping her adventures in Italy.

Once we arrived, the sun was setting over the horizon, it's beautiful colours painted a mesmerizing picture on the reflecting water.

"I'm surprised you haven't taken an Instagram picture yet." I joked. She threw her head back and laughed.

"C'mon he should be here already." She turned off the engine. I frowned.

"I thought he was getting ready."

"I lied." She winked.

"How do you expect to be in a relationship with me if you hide things? Who is she Michelle?"

"Stop it Rayne, She's just a friend." I loved when she went along to whatever random thing came out of my mouth.

"Michelle? Rayne? What conversation did I miss?" Keith's deep voice interrupted our giggles. I turned to explain that his sister and I had undergone a sex change, when the joke caught in my throat.

Standing next to him was another person.
Judging by the lack of breasts and hips, he was male. As Michelle and I made our way near the chandelier-lit entrance, I found myself staring into striking blue eyes.

A shiver went down my spine when I felt his aura.

He had trouble written all over those expressionless orbs.

Rayne, meet my best friend Ashton Evans."

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