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Chloe darcy↑↑↑

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Chloe darcy↑↑↑

Rayne's POV

I wonder if Michelle let Keith know about my sudden trip.

I figured she would have probably noticed me acting odd. I had to keep our code in mind when I was talking to her, hoping she would rather on without having to explain.

That girl knew me on the back of her hand.

"Rayne why the hell are you still in bed?!" The door to my borrowed room burst open (knocking a flower vase to the ground) and came in Chloe, my favorite cousin.

I jumped up from the bed (completing forgetting the fact that I was depressed) and ran to her, squealing.

"Ohmygod, I missed you so much!"  I gasped once I regained my breath. She grinned wildly, pulling me into another hug.

"I've missed you too little cousin, you don't know how much." I rolled my eyes. She loved announcing the fact that she was already twenty. She was only two years older than me. "We definitely need to catch up. Go take a shower and I'll take you out for a brunch." She pushed me towards the bathroom.

"I need to pick out my clothes first." I complained.

"I'm on it."

God only knew what she had in mind.


The outfit that had been picked was on the bed, and the culprit was nowhere in sight. I picked up the blood red top and almost fainted. It was a very thin fabric that revealed too much. I wasn't even going to get into the shorts, which could pass as an underwear.

"Chloe!" I yelled. I could hear laughter and calm footsteps approaching my room.

Of course, she had a gorgeous outfit which resembled to mine that only she could rock. I wasn't comfortable exposing my body.

"Yes dear?" He faint italian accent made it's appearance.

"What the hell is this? Where are my clothes?" I whined pointing at my bed. Might as well just go out in an underwear.

"Those are shoes and some clothes I'm letting you borrow. Now quit complaining so I can do your hair and makeup."



"Done!" She sighed in satisfaction. I on eh other hand, had my arms crossed in front of my chest. Out of my own free will, I was horribly tied down to this chair and had to endure my hair and face being raped by my favorite cousin, whilst Riot by Three Days Grace blasted from her speakers.

It was a torture I tell you.

"Can I change into my sweats now?" I asked sweetly. She swatted myarm and leaned down, making sure her reflection was perfect in the vanity mirror.

"Aunt Sharon would be so proud of you finally getting out there." I couldn't really answer that with a comeback.

"I just don't feel comfortable in my skin." I mumbled, she didn't hear. Let's not go back to my childhood days, when I use drop be a round ball of happiness, hence the sarcasm.

It was not a easy childhood.

"Well you should. You're beautiful and sexy. And I'm not just saying that because I love you." Oops. She did hear me. Warmth spread across my body as her words settled into my brain. Chloe was the one and only person I knew who didn't bullshit anyone. She stuffed her opinion down your throat whether you were ready or not.

"We're leaving now! see ya.!" My cousin said and quickly pulled me out of the house. If our moms were to see us right now, there would be pictures involved.

Once in her little midnight blue Jeep Patriot, she plugged in her iPod and we were on our way to who know where.

"So, aunt told me something about a certain boyfriend you have. Keith I think his name is...." She trailed off, waiting for me to chip something in.

I stayed silent.

"No boy?" She inquired, throwing me a quick glance. I sighed heavily and stared at my nails, which were painted white and had little cute crows on the middle.

"Yes, Keith Wilson. My....... boyfriend." Unfortunately for me, the traffic light signaled red and Chloe had to stop the car.

"Do I detect doubt in that soft little voice?" I bit my lip and looked out of the window. I wasn't ready to talk about my relationship issues just yet, even if it was my cousin who was asking.

My heart still hurt.

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