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Ashton's POV

Was this regret I felt within me?

Nope. I don't think I have it in me to feel like that. But I did almost wish I took back every single bad thought I had about this girl.

Time did miracles.

Back then I never noticed her eyes. The were an alluring shade of lagoon is the middle of the day. Her pale complexion complemented her now tamed golden brown curls. Her lips were the most perfect things I have ever seen. They looked soft Rosy pink and had a perfect bow in the middle.

My hormones burned and sizzled everytime she spoke. Her voice was a combination between soft and loud. She was innocently quite sexy when she chuckled over something Michelle whispered. And thatsingle dimple on her left cheek was so endearing.

So Ashton, how's the weather in Chicago?
Michelle asked trying her best to lighten the mood.

"Cold" I replied. The little bit of fun this dinner had, died. I didn't know why I was being so difficult about this. The wilson siblings arranged this dinner so we could all be reunited again, and here I was slowly ruining the night.

"I'm going to the washroom." Rayne mumbled placing the silver fork down to her untouched salad. She rose quickly from  the table turning on her heel.

"Wait up, I'm coming with you!" Michelle said and followed after her. After they turned around the corner, Keith left and frustrated sigh.

"I don't know what I did wrong." He muttered, running his fingers through his dark brown hair.

"I'm not sure what you're saying"

"This isn't what I had in mind. Nobody's having fun. She's not being herself. Hardly looks at me....and orders a freaking salad!" I thought it was a little weird she didn't seem like the type to go for chicken salad.

"Rough day for her?" I volunteered. I knew that wasn't it. She seemed cheerful and lively when both the girls arrived. I was the party crasher here.

"Maybe." He didn't sound convinced.

After their return, it wasn't ten minutes before it was decided that we should head back home. Keith paid the bills and we made our way out.

I walked beside Michelle while watching the couple in front of me. Both brunettes finally got over the awkwardness of the night and were making their way to the parking lot, hand in hand.

"Do you guys mind riding together?" Keith broke my train of thoughts.

"Whatever man." I said. While his sister nodded. She pulled on my sleeve, leading me towards her car. With one last glance at the new Rayne, I turned away and followed Michelle.


Sleep was impossible right now.

I turned to the right and caught the time in my alarm clock on the night table. 2A.M. from the guest bedroom I heard the sound I had been waiting for. Keith's footsteps we're light as he opened the door to his own room. From the connecting bathroom I saw the light turn on.

I was bothered.

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting to come home and realize that my friend was physically gone. I was so used to be the one defending him like big brother, having fun with random girls while he happily did my homework. It only took him only four years to come out of his shell and stop neediness me.

Could Rayne have been part of the reason for his drastic change?


I wasn't sure about the answers to my questions. But what I was positive about was that I was that I was attracted to my best friend's girlfriend.

That was really a bad sign considering who I was.


The earlier part of Ashton's POV was so cringey for me to write, but I did it though.

Hope you like this story there is so much more fun to come! *Inserts evil laugh*

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