3. The meet up

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*Aryn POV*
So basically we sat down with the food and ate pretty quickly. I remember he got ketchup on his chin, in a joking way, he kept getting more on his face even when I told him, I wiped it off. Then, we had a moment, I just looked in his eyes and he in mine for like 30 seconds. Ryan broke the silence by saying "So you know charliz?" He asked looking away. "Oh, yeah for about a year,how long have you known her?" I asked. "About a year and a half." He smiled.
*Ryan POV*
I smiled. "Let's get out of here" I said mischievously. He smiled and bit his tongue. We basically just walked around the streets until evening talking about nothing and everything at the same time. "Oh hey! I know a place follow me!" He said riddled with excitement. "Ok...?" I said confused.
He took me to this place by a river under the bridge. "Wow, this place is the shit!" I said. He giggled and it was really cute too. We sat down by the water and kept talking. It was easy. I didn't have to pretend in front of him. God! I'm falling for him..

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