7. 1st period

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*Ryans POV*
Ugh I'm so fucking tired.
*the bell goes off.*
"Fuck I'm going to be late." I whisper.
I enter the classroom making sure there's no teacher there. I see the dickwad from this morning with his head turned to the side talking to a fellow jock, he seems familiar. The only seat is right next to him so I plop myself down and set my books on the desk.
*Aryns POV*
"Ryan?" I said knowing it was him.
He looked up confused. "Aryn?" He said. "Hey!" We both said.
*the teacher walks in.*
He's a tall, bald, skinny man and has a bow tie and a tweed suit jacket on.
"Ok class today we are going to be having an easy day as it is your first day back!" He said quite loudly. "We're doing group work on Romeo and Juliet." He announced. I smirked at Ryan as if we agreed to be in a group together. "I've assigned groups based on how you did in your exams, also class, we have a new student with us, Ryan Stalvey." he goes on to explain. "Ryan you can just pick whatever group you'd like at the end. Ok, so group one, Aryn, Chelsea, April, Dylan and Kim." He keeps saying more names for the other groups but I didn't listen cause my name was already called out.
*Ryans POV*
He's a jock?! Oh shit he's dickwad. I thought to myself. I decided to text aryn under the table.
(A- Aryn, R- Ryan)
R- so do people know you're gay?
A- How do you know?
Oh yeah, the river
R- yeah
A- yeah but no one makes a big deal out of it so it's cool.

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