5. Monday

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*Ryans POV*
Aryn hasn't texted me since Friday but we FaceTimed on Sunday for like 5 hours. I really am falling for this kid!
So I start school today...
*alarm goes of*
"Hrrrphhnm" I groan. I grabbed my phone looked through my notifications mainly just looking for one from aryn but there was nothing...
I got out of bed all slouchy and grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom to have a shower. I don't feel dysphoric showering anymore. I got dressed and went down stairs to get something to eat. I ate fruit loops and my mom came downstairs "do you want juice or anything sweetie?" She asked. "Nah I'm ok, thanks" I answered. "Oh shoot I better go! Bye mom!" I said putting my bowl in the sink and kissing her on the cheek. "Bye Ryan." She said as I ran out the door holding my shoes, phone and charger.
*Aryns POV*
*alarm goes off*
I opened my eyes drearily, fuck I hate waking up so early.
I basically fell out of bed and went to go shower but of course my brother was in there. "Jamie hurry the hell up I need to fucking shower!!!!" I screamed banging on the door. He walks out giving me a death stare and I rub his hair messing it up and run in and lock the bathroom door. "OH YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD" he screamed as I snickered. "JAMIE DON'T USE LANGUAGE LIKE THAT IN MY HOUSE!!!" My mom screamed up the stairs. I showered pretty quickly and ran into my room to change. I got my bag, charger and books and went out to my car. My mom ran to the door, she waved and screamed "Bye honey! Have a great day!!" "Bye mom" I yelled back opening the drivers door.

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