15. Free period

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*Ryans POV*
It began to get closer to the end of the year, aka finals. Me and Aryn have been really close and have the same friends. I really like him like maybe not ready to say love yet but I really really like him.
*alarm goes off*
I wake up wide eyed and excited to go to school. I FaceTime Aryn to wake him up.
(A- Aryn, R- Ryan)
A- hi babe. He says yawning.
R- aww you're so cute babe.
A- you're so fucking gay
R- hehehe
A- ok I'm going to shower, I will see you in an hour.
R- byeeee babe.
I hang up and go shower. I went downstairs and had fruit loops and orange juice. I put my shoes on and made sure I had everything.
*Aryns POV*
I pull up at Ryans house and go to ring the doorbell. Ryan instantly opens the door and kisses me. "Hi." I say. "Hey." He says. "Bye mom!" He shouts. "Bye." She calls back. I take his hand and walk him to the car to open the door for him.
"Thank you good sir." He playfully teases. I smile and walk over to the driver side. Every morning I get us coffee from Starbucks. He sips his iced Frappuccino and I sip my iced latté. I kissed his cheek and I drove off. We just were talking about random shit and gossiping about the people in our school and what we hear about them. We arrived at the school and took our coffees in with us. I said hi to my friends and let Ryan go to his locker with a kiss on the cheek. "Gay." Oscar and Sam said. Everyone laughed and we all split up to go to our lockers. I walked over to mine only to see Ryan stalvey leaning against the one next to it.
*Ryans POV*
"Hi." I say sipping my coffee. "I'm sorry who are you?" He says sarcastically. I kiss him on the cheek and he gets his books and stuff. He closes his locker and takes my free hand. We walk to class and talk about how many whales we think there is in the world, don't ask. We sit at the back, Aryn in the middle seat and me on the side. Blake sits on Aryns other side and they talk for a few seconds about the pep-rally on Thursday. "Dude it's going to be fucking lit." Blake says. "Fuck yeah!" Aryn says back and they first bump. "Ryan are you going to go to it?" Blake asked me. "Probably." I say. "Cool." They both say. Aryn started to doodle in the back of his text book. "Do you think we have a free period today?" Ryan asks Blake. "I dunno probably." He answers. "Cool." I say taking out my phone.
*Aryns POV*
I started drawing Ryan in the back of my copy but with big hearts for eyes. I don't really know why. "What ya drawing?" Ryan asks. "Oh nothing." I say still sketching away. He swipes my copy and I just lean on my hand. "Dude this is really good!" He says. "Thanks babe." I say kind of blushing.

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