10. Before the party

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*Ryans POV*
I FaceTimed aryn to ask weather we should coordinate colour or just wear our own shit. He answered. "Hey fag." He said. We often do that as a joke because you know we're gay Incase you didn't know. "Sup bitch." I said. "What'd you need? I'm about to shower." He commented. "Oh sorry, I was just asking should we coordinate or just wear whatever?" I asked. "Whatever is fine but if it were up to me I'd say birthday suit..." He jeered.
"ARYN HAS A BOYFRIENDD!!!" His brother yelled peaking in the door. "Fuck off jamie." He stated. I laughed. "Ok babe I'll see you later." He said blowing a kiss. "Byeeee." I said catching the kiss on my cheek.

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