Chapter Seven

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Park and L/N wound up in a locker room. Well, the lockers on the right side alluded to it being a locker room. This naturally shakes the unmoved nerves. What creepy horror situation isn't complete with a dark room that could hide several bodies. On the bright side, at least there is an entire room full of hiding spots if the situation calls for it.

Luckily, Y/N spots a battery besides a radio and hands it to Waylon. His camera's infrared mode is practically their eyes in this place, so they'll definitely need to be on high alert for batteries.

They exit the locker room without any incident. Well, Park grasped his head, muttering about the visions again. Y/N was hopeful that they would go away on their own. It was doubtful, but she hung onto that hope, considering she had no way to find the medications for it.

The wall at the end of the hall held a cross. Normally, this would remind Y/N of the semi-peaceful days spent with Father Martin and his "merry" group, but this felt eery. Like, Catholic school horror game, eery.

"I made it. I... I think it's safe. Can you climb up?" Y/N recognized the voice. While Waylon was checking the corpse handcuffed to the gated door, Y/N listened to the conversing voices.

"I'm coming, Cooper," Y/N lit up. She knew this Cooper. And his friend... "I just have to lock the... There. I'm coming. Hold on."

"Hey, Cooper? Todd? Guys? It... It's Y/N L/N. Where are you?" She waited but received no reply. "Great..."

"Come on, this way." Waylon climbed through a hole above the blocked door behind her.

"Ugh, more climbing."

Y/N climbed through and hopped down into Waylon's arms. He checked the door to their right, only to find it locked.

"I don't know why I check these doors. I know I can't open them." He grumbled. The two jumped over an obstacle... well, Y/N tripped over it. As she likes to point out, she's a doctor, not an Olympian.

The hall darkened and Y/N could see beds or tables or something. The sound of saws was abruptly heard. Waylon and Y/N ducked instantly. They glanced at each other, annoyed. They crawled forward. The intensity created butterflies in Y/N's stomach. Moths, to be themeatical. They waited for the crazed Frank Manera to enter the room on their right.

"I know you're close." He shouted. L/N and Park took off, running down the hall to the left. They slammed through a door, Y/N shutting it behind her. The room held surprisingly white mattresses, four of which had a bed frame. They didn't stop to smell the roses, though. The two dashed into the next room, which was filled with useless objects.

"Get up there." Y/N pointed to a hole in the wall. "Why does this building have so many holes?"

They climbed through and dropped down. 

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