
9 1 0

Trigger Warning

10 minutes into work and she already is zoned out. She thinks about 9 when she will go home. All alone to an empty room to cry herself asleep. 8 times she will fail. Voice repeating 7 times how she will never be good enough. She sits up. 6 minutes of tears turns to 5 hours until she needs to be at work again. She lays back down and hears the ding! of her phone. 4 media notifications about an old classmate she can't even remember. 3 walks around the house to check on her loved ones, fast asleep. 2 shots of whiskey for the courage to do it. Only 1 bullet in the chamber and then to her head. Loud bang! wakes the loves. None of them knew that she hid her demons behind a happy face. None of them knew that she spent everyday in the same room, the same place her body lies, crying and hoping for a love she'd never get.

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