Dear Sunshine

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My Dear Sunshine,

I am so glad you are mine. I am so happy to be yours. When my days are dark and cloudy, you come in and bright them up. With you is so much different than flying a kite. With you I can relax and don't have to run around to get you in the sky. You are already in the sky brightening everyone else's life. Oh sunshine, I don't say a lot to you or about you because most everything is better off paper or off screen. You take my sad and make it into a glorious happy. You wrap me up in your warm when I'm frozen to the core. You make my life worth living again. You give me the strength to be better. I always want to be better for you. I may never want it for myself but for you, I want to give you the world because you already have my heart. The thought of you shining down on me and kissing me just is a wonderful feeling. Sunshine, you are now and forever mine.

Love, Your Rain Cloud

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