Image Writing #3

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Down a dark alley you may glance. What is on the other side? Perhaps it can be exactly what you need. Step. To the left you see graffiti on the wall. A word that may describe you perfect. FAKE. How am I fake? A question you ask daily. Why is that there? Stop pretending you are ok. Stop faking happiness. You know you're far from it. Staring at the word etched perfectly into the concrete wall, you imagine. You imagine all the times you lied. Step. The next word: LIAR. How can you lie so much on the same topic? How many times can you say that you're ok until even you have to suck it up and believe it. You have to talk yourself into believing you're ok. You lie to yourself. Step. No words this time, but a drawing. A painting of yourself. You're smiling. Step. The same picture. You're crying. You're overwhelmed. You're not happy. You're sad. Step. Another with more words surrounding you. Words that you've never heard said to you besides in your own mind. FAKE. LIAR. WORTHLESS. PATHETIC. UGLY. Step. You've reached the end of the alley to become face to face with a monster. Eyes that were once full of life, now dulled. A mouth that always smiled, a steady frown. A faded glow so dim you could hardly see it. The monster repeating those words in a familiar voice. Your voice. You put your hand up and the monster reflects the movement. You look into those eyes and blink, the action again reflected. You muster up a fake smile, the monster hold up a Mardi Gras mask, half smiling. You look away. The monster stays staring, repeating those words. You look back at the monster. All with your clothes, your eyes, your fake smile, your dim glow. All of that monster is you.

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