Give Me a Reason

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    Just give me a reason to cry. Keep telling me you're going to go. These are things I need to hear. This is what I need to know. If i could only put words out and look at you in the eyes. I can't. You keep the mood so upbeat. Love I can defeat. I go quiet because I feel myself fall. I know you can't. I know we can't. You've told me it all. I feel as if I just say it all instead of writing it, maybe it would be better. All i ever wanna do is listen. I wanna hear everything you have to say. All of your words. Imaginary or real. I just wanna hear them from you. Just give me reason to let you go. Give me that one something, so I can move on. My heart is burning with every second we are together and every second we're apart. I want to just let you go. I just... I need a reason. Please, give me a reason to let you go.

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