Dear Kite

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Dear Kite,

I know I've said it in words but never out loud. I will never be able to say it. I know when I get around you sometimes I get quiet. I don't know how to let the words come out. I honestly wouldn't even know what to say. Do I start with when I first knew or when the feelings grew. I don't know what to say to you. All I know is that when I look at your smiling face, I can't help but to smile too. When you speak, I can't help but to listen. When you look at me, I don't ever really know what to say. I know that I enjoy laughing with you. I know I could speak to you for hours if I could only find the words to say to you. I could write a million letters to you but none of them will ever be enough. Nothing I could write or say would ever accurately be able to describe this feeling. Nothing can be put in to words. I will never forget the smile on your face. I will never forget the memories we've made. I will never forget the sinking and rising feeling in my chest. I do not need a camera to capture our moments. You made me feel when I thought all feelings were lost. Thank you.

Yours truely, The Wind

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