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We were looking at each other, im playing with his facial hair. Then he looked away. I whispered his name and turned his face to me and leaned up a bit on my elbow and kissed him slowly and my mom walked in and then walked out. I thought that was it but we looked back each other and he touched my face. I whispered "i love you". He said it back then pulled me back into a kiss. Slow and simple. Pulling away for a second, within those seconds he just kisses my head but always going back for my lips, not wanting much. Just to feel the gentle touch of his arm around me and his lips grazing mine and vice versa. But then it was over and he had to leave. I stretch and he grabs my legs and pulls me back to him and kisses me again. Sweetly, almost as if he wouldnt get to ever again. Almost as if he knew we would never kiss again. He did it quickly and meaningful. It shocked me but it felt like a natural shock.

Short, Sweet, SimpleWhere stories live. Discover now