Image Writing #1

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    Silence played through the town clearly. All that you could hear was the pitter-patter of rain off the pavement. What happened to this place? My thoughts wondered to the times of the before. I could never catch the whispers of my conscience over children playing. Now, I can't get rid of the whispers. The once sun-filled town is now covered in shadows. The sun used to smile over the town, and the people used to be a reason to get out of bed. Now, I shuffle through charcoal streets with my umbrella with Death on my heels. He captures pictures of my desperate attempt at life. How do I know he's there? I can hear his chilled laughter and sense his hands brushing my own. Not until the days of darkness did I ever consider holding his hand. Never until the quiet did I consider kissing him. And never until the days of loneliness did I deem going with him the only option.

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