Image Writing #2

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How do you feel? Passerbys never give me a second glance. I stay quiet and observe. Woosh. Earth gentle wind breezes through my hair and flips the pages of my book. The same one I've read a million times. No one even notices the book in my hand as they're too busy noticing the next big update. I glance around words on the page to the world around me. I notice. I notice how life can easily be taken. How fast-paced everything is. A young child ran by, trying to catch a butterfly. Sweet innocence. Next to me an elder, feeding the birds. Neither in a rush. Neither invisible, neither visible. I am invisibly watching. I may get a hello or a nod. No other words. They can see me? Please don't stop to talk. Please do. If it were to keep your eyes up and on the beauty that is around, please stop. If it were to interupt your world-gazing, keep going. Actually, never stop. Do not stop looking at the world, for you will see her beauty. For you will see her reality. For you will see more than a computer screen. You will see more than an invisible me.

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