New Emotion

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11:05 a.m.
Instability detected: core warming

"Lieutenant." Conner started, taking a seat a few inches from the other.

Hank was staring at the tv, before looking over at the other. "...what is it Conner?"

The droid honestly didn't know what it was. He was highly confused, but backed up his sudden pause with work. It wasn't something that they were required to go to, seeming they weren't called in the report. But, Hank did have an excited mind for homicide. "We have a new report. Homicide. Android involvement. Down by 1233 Wood Lane. Detective Reed seems to be there, he's the one who wrote the report--"

"Ugh. Reed." Hank grumbled and rubbed his temple. "I've dealt with enough of his stupidity." He said, obviously unpleased by this news.

Conner bit his lip before quickly getting up, holding out his hand. "ready to make his day?~" Conner teased and smiled. Hank gave a cheeky grin, grabbing Conner's hand and getting up. "Let's go play with that annoying prick."


11:21 a.m.

Conner parked the car, looking over at the police taped off section of the buildings entrance. Hank was first to step out the car, walking into the building with Conner following after him. They stopped in the small courtyard of the buildings entrance, where a droid was lying on the floor, converted into a simple twisted anatomy covered in Therium and spatters of the blue blood everywhere.

"Jesus." Hank groaned, crossing his arms. "whatchya think Conner? Beaten to death??" He asked.

"Looook who showed~ I know damn straight I didn't invite you." Reed harshly spat, Hank turning over to look at him, giving him nothing but a sour roll of his eyes. "Maybe I like showing. Someone so downgraded shouldn't be in such a professional place."

Conner shook his head as the two bickered, stepping over to look at the victim. He traced his fingers against the Therium that covered the droids face, sliding his tongue against his fingers. A model ax400. It was left this way for 3 hours..

Conner rose, looking around. Somehow a single pool of blood was separate from the droids mangled body, but he found out it was due to a trail dripping down from a fire escape ladder.

Conner took a few steps back, looking up before reconstructing what happened..

The suspect and victim were on the roof having a confrontation.. Until the suspect shoved the droid off the roof and fled the scene. The droid then fell 40 stories, it's body hitting against the fire escapes railing, a broken part of metal impaling the droid, until the droid finally crashed onto the floor, it's body spasming, until it stopped, and shut down where it was.

Conner ran into the building, attracting hanks attention. "Conner!" He called out, before running in after him.

Conner went into the elevator, Hank following in after him as he panted slightly. "What?? Where we going?"

"The victim was tossed from the roof-" Conner explained. "If there's cameras up there, we should be able to see what happened!" Conner said as Hank nodded and crossed his arms.

Up on the roof, there weren't any cameras, but there was blood, as if the droid punched the other across the face, leaving blood spread diagonally across the gravel. Conner took a sample, Hank roughly shoving Connors head to the side. "Damn it Conner!!" He shouted in disgust.

Conner smiled softly at the gesture, then stood as he looked over the edge, recreating the scene one last time before nodding and walking back toward Hank. "Now we just need to find the suspect. He most likely lives here, I'll take down the names of all the tenants. Then try matching the blood group with the tenants. It'll limit our suspects. We also need to take into consideration all the tenants that got off the elevator on the 40th floor to use the stairs to the roof-" he explained.

Hank nodded and smiled, patting his back. "Good job Conner."

"Thank you Hank.." Conner softly said, enjoying the praise..

Hank looked back at Conner momentarily, before entering the building once more.. It was the first time Conner ever actually called him by his first name. It made him feel.. Weird. But he liked it.

Throughout Anderson's time in his office, he matched a few suspects to the crime scene, but he hadn't seen Conner since the building...

He got up and stretched, about to go show the chief his progress, until Conner came to his desk with a small glass shot of whiskey. He smiled and raised it up for him.

"What's this for?" Hank asked, taking it from his hand.

".. Our tenth investigation~" Conner said with a tiny grin.

Hank smiled and raised it up. "Cheers to us then~" he said, quickly taking it in.

"To us." He said, biting his lip.

"........Hank I think I love you."

The lieutenant quickly spit out his glass onto the floor, Conner looking down at the mess momentarily before looking back at Hank.

"Is that a fucking joke?? Jesus Conner what the hell?"

The poor officer was so confused, yet, was no different from Conner's emotions.

"Anderson!!" The chief shouted across the room. "You'd better clean that up!!"

"Of course!!" Hank shouted out, before looking once more at Conner, then walked off.

Conner watched him leave, blinking blankly, taking a seat on hanks desk.

Was that good?

He didn't seem to like that statement... did he... upset his lieutenant?

He couldn't understand. And for the first time he felt embarrassed of himself.. He looked to the side momentarily, before quickly getting up and heading out the the car to wait for the other to drive them both back home..

|To be continued|

Detroit: Being Human. (Conner x Hank)Where stories live. Discover now