#%*Pai%n or plea*s#ure?

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1:04 p.m.
Instability detected: <cooling core>
::Modifications: ongoing....
::Modifying programs....
::Instability increased::

Hank had drove to get food, then drove home. The ride there and back was...silent..

Conner continuously glanced back and forth, from Hank, to the floor, to outside-- he was... Nervous..?

"...what's wrong with ya?" Hank asked, glancing over at Conner as he parked his car. "Ive known you too long and I know you're never silent. Always running that mouth of yours." Hank joked lightly, slightly shoving Conner's shoulder, but the bot quickly moved his hand, before stepping out the car and closing the door behind him, heading to hanks house.

Hank sat back against his seat, confused.. But, he had known throughout the car ride that something was wrong.. Conner's indicator the whole ride was yellow. He stepped out and grabbed his keys, heading to the house. He unlocked it for Conner, before the bot instantly headed inside.

Hank locked the door behind him, tossing his keys onto his counter as he removed his jacket, going to hang it. Conner instantly went to hanks room.. He felt as though he messed up somewhere in the day.. Like he said the wrong thing to Hank... So he believed Hank just wanted to be alone. And truthfully, he wanted to be alone too, to think.

He turned on the tv, sitting on hanks bed as he ran his hands through his hair. What the hell was he thinking. Hank had enough personal problems of his own.

Hank soon enough walked into the room, his arms crossed. "Conner." He spoke out, attracting the droids attention as he stood, looking at him and the floor repeatedly.

"Look, I know I messed up, I'm sorry- I wasn't thinking straight--"


"I won't speak out like that again-- this entire deviancy has me messed up.. I wasn't even considering your reactions.. It was stupid of me, I know but--"

The bot was instantly cut off by the impatient lieutenant grabbing his shoulders and shaking him slightly. "Oh for christ sake Conner."

The poor droid just wanted to collapse and shut down for a good while.. His LED flickered it's illuminated red. He averted his eyes, looking away and, wanted to just break down. He couldn't understand why he felt the way he did.. But he didn't like it, and it hurt. He had to blink away... What was it? A tiny stream of fluid that ran down his cheeks. It was strange because he had never cried, ever, before this. Even though he knew droids COULD, it was a rare occasion when it happened.

Hank had to lift his chin just to see his face. "..Conner are you crying??"

"I-- don't know!" He snapped out, moving away and quickly wiped his face, staring away from Hank as the officer held his face once more, wiping his cheeks for him.

Conner glanced over at Hank, before the other smiled a slight crack of a grin. "..I think I love you too Conner." He told him back, before letting go of his face, walking out the room.

Conner blinked, staring as the other walked out and, stood in place. He shook his head, quickly running after the other. "H-Hank I-!!" He paused, he other looking back at him.

Conner stood confused, full of so many running emotions, he had to grab his head and look over at Hank with a sort of pleading look. He hadn't experienced such a flood of emotion like this before..

Hank grabbed his arm, before leading him to the couch, pushing Conner to take a seat. "Just relax, how's that?" Hank stated, sitting next to him as he put on the tv.

Conner looked away momentarily, before sumo placed his head on Conner's leg. The bot smiled slightly, petting the large dogs' head.

He glanced over at Hank, the other distracted by his phone.. Conner bit his lip lightly, now curious.

He gently placed his head down onto hanks shoulder, and Hank let him. He sighed and put down his phone. Then he lightly wrapped his arm around Conner, and pulled him close as Conner nuzzled into him and ended up sliding over and sitting on top of hanks lap.

"...Conner?" Hank started, before the other pressed a kiss against his lips, gripping his shirt tightly.

Hank didn't know what to think at the moment.. He was shocked for the most part, yet he couldn't seem to pull away.

The two kissed passionately for quite a few moments.. And in hanks mind all he could think about was how soft, Conner's lips were. Conner ended up pushing his tongue into the kiss, exploring his partners mouth-- that was until Hank shoved him back. "Aah Conner!! We all know what you put in your mouth don't pass it on to me!" He said in disgust.

Conner smiled cheekily. "...I make sure there's never any old evidence so that way I don't contaminate new evidence lieutenant.." He softly spoke matter of factory as Hank rolled his eyes, his face a slight crimson.

Conner slid off the officers legs, and ended up on his knees against the floor. He fumbled with hanks button to his jeans as Hank immediately jumped and shoved roughly against Conner's face. "Woah woah hey!!!" Hank snapped out, before the bot had proceeded to tug at Anderson's jeans, removing them along with his under garments and stopped them below his knees. Hank was moved lower in the process,  and only attempted to pull his clothing back up before Conner's mouth was wrapped around his shaft. Hank blushed a dark red, shoving at Conner's head, one leg self consciously wrapped around Conner's back. "Conner no!! Isn't--this is.. Too fast.. You fucking android!!" He snapped out, but Conner didn't listen.

He held hanks waist, sucking against his slowly rising erection. Hank had to close his eyes and continue to fight with him verbally about the entire situation. "Conner!! What the f-fuck--!" He groaned out.

The droid grabbed the lieutenants base with one hand, stroking him off slowly, while sucking at his now exposed tip teasingly..

Of course, his model wasn't built.. With the knowledge for such play.. But he was still functional in case of anything, and ever since probing the memories of all those droid witnesses at the Eden club, he found it to be... Quite simple..?

He continued to toy with his partner, hanks arousal clouding his mind completely..

'His mouths' ... Warm..' He thought silently to himself, his facial expression a twisted emotion of pleasure.

Conner closed his eyes, using both his hands to extract every bit of pleasure out of him. His two thumbs ran against the underneath side of hanks member, his tongue doing the dirty work of pressing up against hanks rim in a teasing motion as he sucked harder against the head of his cock.

Hank tensed up, letting out nothing but deep moans of bliss. His cock became..warmer, Conner's actions a bit faster, Hank. A bit louder.

Hank gasped out as gripped Conner's shoulders, tightly closing his eyes...

Conner relaxed a bit, opening his eyes as he blinked and let out a breath from his nose.

Contents Analysis Description::
-Lactic acid

He sat there for a moment, before Hank snapped him out of it by running his fingertips through Conner's hair..

Conner glanced up at the other, before finally swallowing, pulling away slowly from hanks still throbbing cock. He wiped his mouth as he sat against his legs on he floor, looking up at Hank who was still gaining back his breath, his head lying back against the couch.

Conner blinked and bit his lip, sliding back onto the couch as he leaned his head against the others chest.. Without even trying, he was able to hear the heartbeat of his companion..

|To be continued~|

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