Roughly done. (Part 1)

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Instability Detected:: incorrect curiosity.// incorrect model usage

After the ideal, Conner had carried Hank to his bed, seeming Hank nearly immediately passed out from his light exhaustion.

Hank slowly woke up, rubbing his face as he stretched and opened his eyes, only to see Conner peering down at him, blinking before speaking out. "..good evening lieutenant." Conner said in a low voice, before Hank delivered an open handed smack across Conner's face and quickly sat up. He remembered promising to wake Hank up easier but it seemed as though he still didn't do well. However, this wasn't why Hank hit him.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind??" Hank scolded, fixing his pants and pulling up the zipper. Conner figured out, Hank was mad from earlier..

Conner hung his head, looking down after receiving the strike across his face.. "I'm sorry lieutenant. I assumed, you liked it-- after all you-"

"Shut up. The hell's wrong with you.." Hank grumbled. "You keep stressing me out I'm gunna die faster than you think."

"But that was suppose to be a stress relief-" Conner spoke, leaning on the bed close to Hank.

Hank rolled his eyes, getting out of bed. He left the room as Conner happily followed behind him. If he had a tail, it would've been wagging.

"..its 7?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Hank asked and looked at him.

"Well you seemed exhaustedly tired-- I figured you'd like the extra sleep, there wasn't any crime scenes assigned for us either.." He told him, smiling softly as Hank grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Oh..." He muttered, grabbing his keys. "...I'm gunna go get food." He said, walking out as Conner tagged along.

Hank looked back at him and rolled his eyes, getting in his car and starting it up as Conner got in.

"Chicken Feed again lieutenant?" He asked, as Hank nodded.

"Yeah. Also gotta collect my share of money. Pedro won a gambling prize with my money, we split it half and half." He said, starting to drive as Conner thought.

Upon arriving at Hanks favorite joint, Pedro waited at one of the tables.

Hank parked, and stepped out as Conner followed. Hank ordered his usual burger and soda, taking it to go in a bag as he walked to Pedro, putting his food on the table. "Finally got that win?" Hank said and smiled as Pedro scoffed and teasingly waved an envelope.

"I told you, I had this one in the bag, there was no way I was gunna lose this time." The male said, handing over 500 bucks to Hank.

Hank smiled and stashed it away in his pocket, but Conner was noticeably on edge. He stared down the street at one particular car, before it immediately sped down the block toward the two men. One male inside the car stuck a hand gun out its window, before firing.

Conner reacted instantaneously, tackling Hank to the ground and shielding him from the bullets that cut through the air. One agonizing scream followed with the screeching sound of the rubber tires burning away at the street.

The car vanished as quickly as it came--
Hank was alright, as was Conner. But Pedro unfortunately was shot in the leg.

Hank panted, wide eyed, before looking over at Pedro, climbing out of corners safety grip and ran toward him. "Holy fuck!!"

"Agh! Th--they got my leg!! Fuck!" Pedro hissed out, grabbing his leg tightly as Hank tried to lift him. "You're gunna be okay!" He assured.

Conner called an ambulance, while also making a report to the police station..

"Fucking sour losers-" Pedro groaned out, as Hank sat him against the floor, taking all his tissues and pressing against the wound, Pedro gritting his teeth tightly. "F-fuck!!"

It only took a few minutes before an ambulance came, taking Pedro in as Hank wished him well-- staying behind.

"Holy shit.." Hank muttered, before looking back at Conner, who stood there, watching the ambulance drive off.

"..lets go Conner.." Hank called, grabbing his bag as he got in his car, shaking his head. How many times was his life going to be threatened then saved..? It was kinda embarrassing.....

Once the two got home, Hank placed his food on the counter table, leaning against it as he thought.

Conner closed and locked the door, walking over to Hank. "Illegal gambling. I knew from the start it wasn't good but you still decided to bypass the law and look what happens--"

"Shut up." Hank demanded, before turning around, pulling the droid close and pressing a rough kiss against conners lips.

Conners eyes went wide, before quickly kissing back. This was unexpected considering the circumstances.. Their tongues intertwined.. hanks hands firmly grabbing conners waist, before departing from the kiss.

Conner hated that he kept breaking their bond, but his thoughts were interrupted when Hank grabbed conners neck tie, yanking him to the bedroom.

The droid was shocked as he was shoved onto the bed, Hank grabbing both sides of his button up suit, before tugging his shirt open, a few buttons breaking in the process.

Conner swallowed and closed an eye as Hank drove his hands up against the bots chest, pressing a warm kiss up against it, conners LED a vibrant yellow.

The kiss was hovered up to conners neck, his hot breath and soft lips being.. Intriguing... A pair of teeth bit down against conners shoulder, leaving an impression with a small kiss planted on top of it..

"..let me give you a 'thank you'." Hank spoke, looking down at Conner.

⭐️To Be Continued~⭐️

Authors note: sorry about the two days of void. So here's a little gift~ stay tuned for tomorrow!

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