[James Potter] -Maybe more

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So, this imagine here happens during Marauder Era, and I'm terribly sorry if this turns out even worse than the previous ones, it's just that today something called me out to a James and I thought "Why not have a James Potter imagine instead of a James Sirius Potter one?" So here it is!
I really do hope it is acceptable. Leave your votes and comments please!
Thank you for the attention.


"Just what in Merlin's name had Potter switching rounds for the third time this week so he could annoy me?!" I complained, infuriated just by the bare sight of James Potter waiting for me at the end of the corridor.
"Why are you so annoyed?" Ness called out from behind me, and I huffed annoyedly. As if she didn't know already why I couldn't stand Gryffindor's resident idiot!
"He's an annoying massive bloke and I just can't stand him!" I said as someone moved in front of me, that someone being James Potter himself.
Helga, I really had to start thinking before I spoke. I was an Hufflepuff not a bloody Ravenclaw, or Merlin forbid a Slytherin. Hufflepuffs were supposed to be shy not have an attitude.
There really was no point for me to be so bitchy when it came to being forced to share my rounds with bloody Potter, but yet here I was, glaring at the man -boy- who had switched rounds with the other Gryffindor perfect for the third time in a row.
I would rather have Evans annoying me -which I wouldn't count as 'annoying me' since she was nice, very nice at that- than have Potter around. Not that I'd ever tell her that.

"So, Irwin, tell me, aren't you pleased to share your rounds with me instead of sharing them with Evans? " Potter asked ever so sweetly that I almost thought he was actually giving a damn about my opinion. Almost.
If he did give a damn about my opinion, then he wouldn't have switched with Evans.
"Oh of course I am Potter! There's no one I'd rather have rounds with!" I sarcastically said and I remembered the words the Sorting Hat had thrown when it came my sort. 'I cannot seem to be sure. You would achieve the greater things in Slytherin with your attitude, but your loyalty and sense of companionship would tell me that you are an Hufflepuff at heart.'
I now knew what it had meant with me achieving good things in Slytherin. I would be a very good Slytherin, a very respected one.
"Sometimes I forget you're not a Slytherin with the amount of sarcasm and sassiness you talk to me with." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Merlin, you must be unique, you're the first Hufflepuff I see with an attitude, and I fancy that."
"Who knows, maybe I should've been in Slytherin, not Hufflepuff."
"No you couldn't love. Imagine just how hard it would be for me if you were a Slytherin. How would we have a stable friendship?" He asked and I looked at him from under my eyelashes.

"Oh, you mean like the one we don't have? " I asked innocently as he put on a fake hurt expression.
"Don't you have any respect towards my feelings?"
"Potter! Enough! What feelings are you even talking about?! I always give you the cold shoulder and unless you are kinkier than I thought, or you are a masochistic bastard -maybe you're both, if I put things in a certain perspective- then there are not many feelings you could have towards me." I shot back and took a step forward, eyes widening at the sight in front of me as we dubbed a corner.
I had left the girl five minutes ago and she was already here? How?
"Okay Ness, that'll cost Hufflepuff 5 points, and you earned yourself a detention, as to you, Prince, there's not much I can do besides handing your name to your head of house, so you better get going before I hex you." I stated as they pulled apart. Helga, I already knew Ness was having a fling with the Ravenclaw guy, but I never thought I would find them in a corner after curfew, five minutes after I'd left her at two feet from our common room entrance. Potter stood behind me in shock and I looked at him.

"What now you bloody nuisance?" I asked while rubbing my temples to ease some of my nerves as my dormmate Vanessa, or Ness as I liked to call her, walked past us, and winked at me, making my face scrunch in disgust.
Guess I'll have a questioning waiting for me when I arrive at the dorm. I groaned at those thoughts and buried my head in my hands
"You look hot when you're annoyed." He admitted and I groaned again before punching his arm with unnecessary strength, but hey! I was the youngest of five kids and they were all boys, I had to learn the hard way that force was never too much when it came to teenage boys. "Feisty. I get it why you're the beater." He said and I sighed. Being the beater would be even better if I could hit some people on the head with the freaking bat from time to time.
"You better shut up if you don't want me to aim straight at your head next time, we play against each other Potter." I warned and kept walking as he dropped into step beside me.
"You wouldn't. You like me too much." He said as he gave me his puppy eyes. I laughed teasingly and shot him a pointed look.
"It would only be my pleasure to do so." I stated and he shook his head with laughter as he muttered "Women." And let out a very deep sigh.
As if he knew anything on the subject.

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