Chapter 1

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I sighed, wiping some sweat off my forehead and stood back to look at my work so far. My dad is at his job as an office worker and before he left he decided to bitch about the gutters and how they needed cleaning. Why he didn't do it himself, only god knows. He left for work this morning but not before giving me an oh so loving beating because I was apparently sleeping too late and he didn't want me to be a bum early on in life.

Like he even fucking cares. All he cares about is his cigarettes and beer. He never shows any emotions and if he does show any it's only pure disgust casted down on me. I'm openly gay and daddy dearest doesn't really like that I prefer dick over those.. things girls have. Have you seen them? And he expects me to be attracted to those? Better yet those lumps of fat on their chest? No way I don't think so but he doesn't care anyways. He strongly believes that he can 'beat' the gay out of me. Last time I checked that's not how it worked. I was born this way and I can't change.

Sometimes I look back on the old days. The good days when my dad still loved me. When he never beat me. When my parents weren't divorced. When I wasn't broken. I was a happy child back then. Always smiling and running around without a care in the world. If I knew as a kid my life would make this turn of events, I would've just ended it there because it reality, death sounds better than the hell hole I'm living in. As much as I do just want to take a long long nap in ever lasting piece, I can't. I promised someone. Someone who was special to me. Someone I wished I played more attention to at times but when I started to, it was already to late.

This someone was and always will be my best friend. Marcus Jones. I loved Marcus. He was such a kind soul. He didn't deserve what happened to him. He didn't deserve the pain. And he most defiantly didn't deserve what he did to himself and all the ones around him. Especially me. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The horror I saw. The pain I felt. It was the worst day of my life and I'll never forget it.

"Get the fuck out! You're a fucking disgrace to me and this family! I don't care where you go just get the fuck away from me" I staggered to my feet, using the living room wall for support. I had just got done fixing dinner but once I set it down, it was just slammed back in my face. I didn't understand what the fuck was his problem. I gave him his shit food and he blows up? That's cool, really. "What the fuck is this- cat food? And my goodness boy, it smells like dog shit! Can't you do one fucking thing right?!" I remembered him saying. He had nothing but hatred and disgust on his face as he spat those words on my face. I didn't have time to answer before a fist came flying at my left cheek, making me stumble a bit. I was going to reply before a slap was directed at my left cheek again, making a clear sound throughout the room.

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