二, coming to you live

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june had woken up early the next day, feeling like crap.

"coming to you live" she lip - synced the iconic and proceeded to lower her voice, squeezing out a double chin, as Martini Blue blasted through the morning apartment. if only that it would groove its way through her stiff body, exactly like it did yesterday to start off yet another repetitive day.

"you got me moving on -

her phone vibrated as she threw on a plain t - shirt and wiggled into a pair of skinny jeans.

"hello" june cradled her phone between her ear and shoulder, the cruel time of the day had made her forgot about the existence of a speaker mode.

"hi june" a voice came through the phone, pausing the lazy upbeat song.

"hey wendy" the corners of her mouth instantly raised up a little when she recognised her friend's voice.

"how have you been? i saw your new comeback"

"oh nothing special, same old stuff. i called because i saw your first broadcast! congratulation best friend!"

"pfft do not even get me started on that." june groaned.

"tell me about it"

june began to narrate the story of yesterday night, exaggerating on every detail being the drama queen that she was. partially doing so just to make her tall neighbour seemed more at fault.

the only good thing about him was his music taste

wendy's clear laughter travelled through her phone, june flinched at the sudden loudness and dropped her phone. finally, she put it on speaker mode and left it on the cold floor of her apartment.

"look, why don't we go to a party next friday night. since i can literally taste the salt in your voice."

wendy suggested while june was still looking for a spare bag to put her stuff in. she shouldn't have given up on her favourite bag.

"a party? i'm not in the mood for anything."

"exactly the point. it'll make you be in the mood for anything."

wendy chuckled as she heard june's whining, she knew how much june loved her late night colouring session with caramel popcorn on a friday.

"remember jackson? he's the one hosting it."

"forget it, y'all idols. what am i going to do there? fangirl?"

"oh come on, everyone's welcomed. you know jackson, a literal social butterfly. plus, taeyong will be there too."

june could practically see wendy's winking over the phone.

what's going to happen next? someone make a guess haha

probs quite predictable tho, very basic.

lols lols

good bai, sorry for the short chapter

stan nct

stan johnny

have a happy weekend :)

wei out //

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