t h r e e ⇢ the hardest day

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johnny orlando


10th of september 2012

the hardest day of my life.

i sat there and watched my sister die.

and till this day, i blame it on mysef.

today's the day my family mourn the death of my sister, lauren orlando. who unfortunately passed because of a cardiac arrest. my only sister, my only sibling and now i'm left alone.

i've found it hard to make friends ever since that day, i struggle to focus in school, meaning my grades consistently head downwards. sometimes i don't even attend my high school. 

the reason behind me not finding any friend is because i feel if i get to close, they'll end up passing and once again i'll blame it on myself, like lauren's death. also, no one will understand my feeling, as i think they will tell me to 'suck it up' or 'get over yourself'. 

but no one will truly understand that my sister and i were closer than (i  personally think) any other sibling relationship. the fact that i lost my best friend, has already made my life hell.


"can i meet you all there? i want to be with her alone for a while." my eyes stayed glued to the ground as the only thought in my head is lauren.

"no problem, honey. we'll meet you there." my mum softly says, giving me a soft kiss on my head. "stay safe." her calm voice relaxes my body.

i quietly exit the house, entering the quiet streets of picton, toronto. the birds chirp loudly, perching up in the branches of many green trees, surrounding my house. i kick many stones as i trot down the empty streets, heading to the graveyard.

i enter the gates of the graveyard and soon enough i'm surrounded by graves, decorated with blooming, bright coloured flowers. i take a deep breath before taking more steps, heading to lauren's grave.

i stop and adjust my eyes to see a girl, sitting crossed legged right next to lauren's grave. a sudden wave of confidence rushes over me so, i decide to walk up to her and somehow comfort her.

"i'm sorry for your loss." nice one, johnny. her face slowly turns up to mine. her eyebrows softly scrunch together, but once revealing my (messed up) face, they untangle.

"thanks," her beautiful, chocolate eyes rip away from mine and focus on the grass beneath her. "are you okay?" her eyes stay focused at the grave in front of her.

"just a rough night, i suppose." i shrug, looking down at my feet. i speak up as the conversation goes dead. "that's my sister." my index finger points at the grave that sits next to the one she's sitting in front of.

"oh, i'm sorry." her eyes stay glued to the grass. "how long?" her face turns to mine, looking me dead in the eyes, making my heart flutter.

"9 years, today." i take a deep breath in, attempting not to cry.

"oh," she turns back to the grave, picking at the green grass. i stand behind her, tears flowing out of my eyes, running down my flushed cheeks. "i'm sorry to hear that." she turns to me with a soft expression on her face, which turns into a worried expression.

she lifts herself up off the grass and wraps her hands around my neck, enveloping me in a hug. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you cry." she muffles into my shoulder, before unwrapping her hands from around me.

"probably would have anyway." i shrug, sniffing. her hands rest on my shoulders.

"i'll leave you be," she removes her hands and places them by her side. "once again, i'm sorry for your loss." she softly smiles, before walking away.

"wait," she stops in her tracks and turns around on her hell. "could i get your number?" i shyly ask. she giggles calmy. too cute.

"sure," she continues to giggle. i hand her over my phone, letting her acrylic nails tap her number in. "there you are," she hands me my phone back, grinning at me. "whenever you need a little comfort, just flick me a text." she turns back on her heel and walks out of the graveyard.

wait, i never caught her name.

wooo, hope you like this decently long chapter

give it some votes for the next one :)

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