e l e v e n ⇢ suck it up

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mackenzie ziegler


i sit in class impatiently, waiting for johnny to enter the english classroom. he's really the only person i talk to in this class. my jump up and down at i still wait impatiently. i scroll through my instagram explore page until i hear the door click. my head shoots up to only see, jennifer.

jennifer, the weirdo, nerd that sits in the corner of the classroom constantly writing whatever the teacher says. i sigh, as there is still no sign of johnny. i continue to still scroll until i decide to text him.


kenzie; where tf r u?

john; sorry! i'm stuck at reception

john; i'll be there soon i promise

kenzie; the teacher will be here any minute

john; i know! just save me a seat, please

kenzie; fine

john; thanks.


i continue to wait, impatiently, until i watch the door swing open to see johnny. cheeks bright red, bedhead hair, clothes looked like they have just been chucked on. i start to reconsider all the thoughts that just crossed my mind. maybe he had a hard night. his sister.

i let go of the breath i didn't know i was holding in. he sluggishly walks over to the desk next to me and slides down the seat. i have the sudden urge to ask him if he's okay, but if i do i know he will break into tears.

we sit in complete, utter silence. the teacher barges through the door, papers spilling out of her hands. she slams all the paperwork down onto the desk, making a rather large sound, echoing through the room. 

"okay class! today you are going to have a silent period to write an essay about your family!" her annoying, whiny voice ricocheting off the walls. i take a deep breath in as i know this is a hard subject for not only johnny, but also myself.

i turn slightly to see johnny's jaw clenched and head down. i slide my hand quickly and smoothly on to the top of his, gripping it tightly. his head lifts, giving me a small smile. he turns his hand around and interwinds his fingers with mine.

once the teacher had told the class to get on with there work, my hand raises, catching the teachers attention. she makes her way over to both mine and johnny's desk, raising an eyebrow at us.

"sorry miss, but family isn't the best subject for johnny and i." i give her the slightest smile, trying to convince her to let us have a free period.

"suck it up," she struts back down the aisle, between the desks. the class is completely silent, all getting on with there work. my body falls as i exhale air. i lay my head against his shoulder, with him following my actions, but instead laying his head on top of mine.

"you two! get to work!" the whole class turns there heads at us. i turn to johnny and watch him put his head back down.

"pack up, we'll just leave and go to reception and tell them why we aren't at class," i whisper, he soon follows my instructions. we slide all our belongings into our school back and slinging them onto our shoulders. 

we both walk down separate aisles, not caring what the teacher has to say to us. i slam the classroom door behind me, leaving an echo through the corridor. we walk down 4 flights of stairs until we get to the 1st floor. we walk silently down the hallway until we enter the reception room.

"hi, johnny and i aren't in class because our teacher was making us feel uncomfortable," i pause, taking a breather. "she was making us write about our family and we both have siblings or parents that have passed." i put my head down.

"okay, that's completely fine, i understand. just head into the study room, through the hall." the nice, reception lady smiles at us. we follow a hall that enters into a small, cozy classroom that is currently empty.

we both take a seat at a small table, placing our bags on top. "so, do you want to tell me why your so quiet today?" i quietly say, getting comfortable in my seat.

"i had a nightmare last night." he speaks quietly. "it was about lauren." he slowly nods.

"do you want to talk about it?" i try to comfort him, but not pressuring him.

"it was basically a nightmare about the exact detail about the night she died..." he trails off. my lips turn to an 'o' shape. i open my arms out, ready to give him a warm hug. he kindly accepts and falls into my arms.

"you're the closest thing i can ever get to a sister again,"

ouch, friendzoned.



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